Chapter 26 ✓

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|26.| Wingless angel


     Silence. The two are surrounded by thousands of unspoken thoughts and whispers. Jungkook feels that he will die of embarrassment, and Taehyung of anxiety. Irregular breathing and rapid heartbeat are heard slowly in the frame.

     The CEO does not want to believe that he heard correctly what the bunny boy said half an hour before. He tried to find out if what he had heard was correct, but he hoped with all his heart that he was wrong. But Jungkook didn't say anything to him. He simply began to stare at a wall, while Taehyung took a towel and brought him some clothes to change into. And if Jungkook doesn't know how to avoid this discussion, the other one doesn't know how to talk about it.

      "Jungkook... I... I heard wrong, didn't I? " the older one breaks the silence after good minutes of oppressive silence.

     His voice is cracked and trembles at the bad thought that this might have happened to Jungkook. He has no idea what would happen next, but most likely the person who did this to him will end up in the hospital, or in prison, or in the cemetery.

      Jungkook moves his glance at the floor, swallowing hard. His mind is truly a disaster, images of that cursed day coming again and again as well as the broken tape. The feeling of that psycho sitting on top of him, moaning with pleasure, while his soul screamed in pain, suffocates him slowly. That perverse and sick grin, those dirty touches. And he is nothing but an idiot unable to defend himself. He can swear that the monster's eyes are on him right now.

       Last night was more than a nightmare. He couldn't sleep even for a few minutes. He felt like he was not alone in the room. He could feel that monster in the room as well, looking at him. He could hear that thick and sick voice whispering more than just dirty words in his ear. He could feel the touch on his skin, a touch that made him nauseous and hatred. And yet, he could do nothing but fight the shadows of his demon, because he did not want to wake Taehyung. Not only once did he want to go to the CEO's room and ask him to stay with him that night, but he stopped. He could not have asked for that, the other one would have said he was breaking some limits. Besides, he didn't want to ruin his sleep too. But today he does not know why he did not manage to hide like last night.

       He shouldn't have given up and told Taehyung. He shouldn't have become weak in front of him. He shouldn't have, and yet he did. And that's without Taehyung screaming at him. Yet. He hasn't screamed at him yet. He didn't start saying it was just the bunny boy's fault because he went there in the first place. That's probably because he was not sure if that odious thing really happened or not. And maybe Jungkook could dodge, he could say he lied, that it was all an idiotic joke. But he doesn't feel able to do that. And he doesn't have to. He just feels ... safe telling Taehyung about it. More than embarrassed for sure, but something tells him that the CEO will be there, even if he will scolds him because of his naivete. 

     "Th- this... will be a lie.It would be a lie if I say that... you heard wrong. " the younger one replies in a finale, as the other one feels his hands shaky instantly.

      No, this cannot be true. This is... just impossibe.

   "Kook, what are you talking about? This... this is just a stupid joke, right?" the CEO is already panicking, as the younger one keeps glancing at the floor. 

      He wants to cry again, he feels the need. And yet he cannot. Maybe because he cried so much in the last few hours that he has no more tears left. And what's with the tears? Well, someone said once: "Don't be ashamed to weep; it is right to grieve. Tears are only water, and flowers, trees, and fruit cannot grow without water. But there must be sunlight also. A wounded heart will heal in time, and when it does, the memory and love of our lost ones is sealed inside to comfort us." Jungkook can tell with pain that he feels himself in this quote.

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