Yongyong seemed to notice my mood change before she immediately got off me. She rubbed her body against my legs, which helped me to relax for a little bit.

"Aww, thank you Yongyong."

I sighed before I got up from the couch and lead to my bedroom to change my cloth. I thought it would be better if I just grab something from the store rather than waiting for her to come home.

I slipped my feet into the boots and hurried to the store. I was so hungry that I couldn't think what I'd like to eat. And I was mad.

Why did Rosé behave so weirdly since the last few days? Did I do something wrong? Or did she fall out of love? Is she tired of waiting for me?

Why is it so hard to answer my call? Why did she say she was busy when was just meeting Nahee? And her holding Nahee's hands, for what?

Did she leave early so she could go meet Nahee at the coffeehouse? But what do both of them have in between? How did they know each other? Or did Rosé just simply fall in love with her during the first time they met last night? That quick?

I imagined every fighting scene that could happen if it was just a misunderstanding. And it worried me a lot if that would happen.

I didn't realize that I was already in front of the convenience store where Nahee worked as I was so focused on the thoughts in my head. I don't feel like thinking anything bad so it would be better to ask her straightforwardly.

But how should I ask? Can I just say "Hey, I saw you with someone in your shop this morning. Who is she?" ? What is she's gonna think I'm a weirdo?

I grabbed for some snacks before I actually stepped to the counter. My ears could hear a familiar voice laughing. It came from the girl who was talking to the cashier. I couldn't see her face but her back was enough for me to recognize who she was.

And as I expected, the cashier was Nahee and who else could be the another girl? I was frustrated enough to know it was Rosé by looking at the blonde hair slipping through her cap.

I quietly put the snacks I took to the their place again and walked out of the store without making them notice that I was there. I fastened my step to the counter as I could feel the annoyance and anger building inside of me.

So that was the reason she was busy. The reason she didn't answer the phone. Collecting unnies, she said.

My stomach wasn't grumbling anymore and all I could think of was to throw my body in bed and sleep. I felt like crying and expressing my anger but I convinced myself that I don't even know what happened.

But sure, I was jealous enough that someone else had her attention more than me. The most frustrating parts were where she ended the call without letting me to say anything and just now where she didn't answer my call, only for me to find out that she was having fun with someone else.

Maybe it was fair enough that she came home late as I also did the same mistake a few days ago.

I couldn't blame her. She hadn't explained anything and I shouldn't just assume things like this. Maybe it was just a bad day and I had to calm down.

I unlocked the door but left it unlocked again, just in case Rosé would come home. I changed my coat to pajamas before sliding in between the bed and the comforter. Yongyong from across the room peeked on me. She probably knew the emotinal wreck I was having at the moment. She walked before she jumped onto the bed, curling her body in front of me and napped again.

"I should have dated you instead, Yongyong." I sighed while brushing her fur.

There was a sound of doorknob clicking and I guessed it was Rosé. I shut my eyes tight, acting as if I was already asleep because I might let my anger out on her if we talk. I had also made the same thing and she wasn't mad for long and I should be considerate too.

I could feel Yongyong was taken away from me so I opened my eyes slightly to see what was happening. Rosé moved Yongyong off the bed before she herself slid in the comforter and embraced me into a hug. Thankfully it was dark so she couldn't see I was peeking.

I had to close my eyes again as her face was just a few inches away from me but I could feel her thumb brushing against my cheek before she landed a kiss on my forehead.

Bitch, don't blush. Weren't you angry just now.

She patted my back softly "Sunyoung, are you asleep? Wake up, please."

I was fighting with my inner self. I'm not sure either to continue faking my sleep or just wake up.

I heard her letting out a sigh. My heart thumped faster when she just pulled me closer, making my face shoved in the crook of her neck. Her hands rubbed agaisnt the nape of my neck, a habit of hers whenever she's about to sleep. Her warmth somehow calmed my anger and jealousy I had earlier.

I thought it would be better if we talk about this later. Right now, I just want to be with her like this.

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