Start from the beginning

"Look," Sofie said, "Everyone's here and has a program. It's about to start. I see Cabir waiting at the end of the aisle and he's just as nervous as you. DO you really want to not marry the love of your life over a necklace?"

Navya shook my head.

"Good, because if you don't marry him, I know plenty of women who would." Mukti added and i couldn't help but giggle at her face.


The music stopped, and all heads turned to face the far end of the walk. The opening to the bridal chorus started to play. Down the isle she came. I could not believe how beautiful Navya was. She wore a strapless wedding gown with embroidery on her bodice. Rhinestones and pearl beads were sewn on her gown. She also wore a two-tier veil, with a matching crystal head-piece. She held a French rose silk bouquet. Manik held her left arm and smiled at her as they reached the bottom step. There awaiting her was the pastor and her husband-to-be. Cabir was stunning. He wore a black, single-breasted, satin tuxedo with a white-wing collar shirt.

NAVYA'S POV (I thought she deserved one)

   Finally, the priest came out and asked every to stand. It was my turn! All eyes would soon be on me. The flower girl lined the path with white rose petals as the music started. I only took two steps out before I was greeted Manik.How much i wished my dad did that. He escorted me down the aisle, which seemed longer than before. It was strange that he became my strength; without him I might have fainted down. The guests looked at me, taking pictures of my dress, waving at me, smiling- one thing was for sure, though... no one made a sound. Up ahead I saw him, Cabir. My future husband, the love of my life, my everything. He stood taller, his shoulders back and his eyes on me. If I wasn't mistaken I could have sworn tears filled his eyes.

Was this really happening? Will i soon be his forever? 

The priest said to guests, "You can now be seated". My friends and family followed his request.

"Dearly beloved," he began, "we are gathered here this evening to witness this man and woman join together in holy matrimony."

He said the speech and afterward we exchanged vows, tears filling both our eyes. The ring bearer came forward and presented the rings. I placed Cabir's ring on first, then he placed on mine.

The priest nodded and asked, "If anyone objects to the marriage speak now or forever hold your peace".

As assumed, Mukti as a joke acted to have stood up from her place as we all laughed but seated back. "With the power invested in me by the State I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Cabir leaned in and kissed me,softly like he's never done it before. Everyone cheered for us, however I barely noticed; my full attention rested on Cabir.


I was happy for my friend as i watched her interacting with Cabir and the guests. The wedding was a success no matter how badly it began but in the end we were all here. I heard someone shuffle beside me.

"I have a feeling you made a decision." Austin spoke with a smile.

" It has always been him." I replied.

"And i am happy for you. And also i am going back." he informed me as i turned surprised at him.

"Don't look at me that way. I was bound to leave but had gotten stuck here. Let's just say it's freedom from a feeling i can't explain." He turned my focus back to the happy couple as i interlinked my arm into his.

"By the way i told him the truth about us." Austin spoke after sometime. " he deserved it" he added.

From the corner of my eye i saw Manik walking towards me as Austin left my side. Manik held out his hand for me with a smile.

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