Dar'kes chitters turned into loud chatters of laughter. He chest was shaking with how hard he was laughing. "Well you still owe Sooni a 100 runs thru the training ground" he reminded me.

"Oh Fuck! I totally forgot about that!" Oh Paya, I wonder if Sooni would do that....? Actually would that be a bad thing? I pondered that idea as Dar'ke went up the ramp into the ship. An into the bedroom.

He places me on the bed carefully. He joins me and curls up with me. "Are you going to stay to sleep Dar'ke?" I ask him sleepily.

He strokes my hair out of my face and purrs at me. "Mmm I will for a little while. I will need to get up in a few hours to go over reports." He say cuddling me.

I felt a little sting in my heart. I wanted to be selfish and ask him to stay the full night. That just wasn't possible, the clan and the family needed him. I can't be his only priority, it's going to be busier and livelier soon. I will instead enjoy these stolen moments with one another.

I snuggle him and kiss his neck. "Dar'ke if you need help later please wake me up. I would be happy to help out" I say Sincerely.

He nods and holds me closer, I fall asleep peacefully in the arms of my love....

I watch Chris as she falls asleep, her rhythmic breathing was very calming.  I was lucky that it didn't take her long to fall asleep. I would stay cuddled with her for a half hour. I wish I could do more, but reports were pilling up, an I was starting to get behind.

Crash and Hopper were doing their best but final decisions were made by me. I was also helping Maini as we had taken over Sooni's work load as well. Maini was worried about Sooni's stress level affecting her bearing.

Sooni seemed to be fine now but we wanted to make sure that she will stay fine. Sooni also seemed to be softer during this bearing...it was different. It was nice that she was relying on us now to help out.

Chris shifted in my arms, I was able to slip from the bed with out her noticing. I exit the room and go over to the console. Sitting in the pilots chair, I notice that there is 4 canisters of brew sitting on top of it.

I chitter at my thoughtful mate, as I open one up and get to the reports. It takes a few hours to get through all the ships information. Just as I am about to start on the homeworld reports I get an incoming encrypted transmission.

It's not coming from any lines I have seen before. I hesitate to open it, but I figure it will go to my gauntlet with beeps waking Chris up if I don't answer it now.

I open the the transmission "....Hello Dar'ke" the gruff older voice on the other end said. I felt my guts twist as I know who this is.

"What do I owe the Pleasure of getting a direct call from the Emperor..." I say back to my Sirer in spite!

The Emperor Chatter back to me amused "Tell your Ooman Mate that what her heart held true was actioned. I wish you three well on your pups with Sooni and Chris. May Paya bless you all..." he said to me with a hint of sadness.

Before I can speak the transmission has ended. I try to reconnect with it but it no longer exists. I am in shock, I look back towards the bedroom. I can hear Chris's sleeping breathing. I want to go ask her, what the chit is going on! I decided on not waking her up. Then I get back to the homeworld reports.


After agreeing to take Siri as a token Matriarch I was still a bit shaken. I decided I was going to train when I walk back towards the training area, I notice that Dar'ke still had his ramp down. Since it was quiet and the ship wasn't rocking. I figured Chris was sleeping and Dar'ke was going over reports.

If that was one thing I was truly grateful for was being on guard duty that is a break away from the endless reports. I did not envy Dar'ke, I will leave them be for now.

I head over to the boulders and jump ontop of them. Before I sit cross legged. I look up to the stars and I let my mind wander.

I can remember my early days with my bearer, she and Siri had been close. I remember being so small I didn't even come up to Siri's knees. Those were happier times, we had a different home it was peaceful. Bru'tae was generally never around and my bearer was very kind.

I remember when I was old enough to start training. I remember that the bearers were always so sad when Bru'tae would take large amount of my siblings with him at random times.

When it came to my turn my Bearer tried to escape with me. She had wanted to do everything she could to protect me. However before we were able to escape, Bru'tae and his older Elites got word of the plan.

I remember being torn from my bearer arms and collared. I tried to fight back to protect her...Bru'tae was saying this was the betrayal of the clan...a betrayal against him. He shocked me so hard I thought I was going to die!

Bru'tae had taken us to his ship and thrown us into his private training room. I remember my bearer laying next to me. She told me that no matter what that, I had to live! By any means nessacary, no matter what happened she would always love and forgive me....

At the time I didn't understand that she meant. Bru'tae had come into the the room and had beaten my bearer infront of me while the elites held me down on my knees. Unable to help her, I felt so powerless...how could he do that.

When the elites let go of me I rushed Bru'tae biting him an using my claws to puncture his skin. He laughed as he backhanded me to the floor and set off another strong shock. The scars from that one still are on my neck.

That wasn't the worse of it though...Bru'tae had taken one of his wrist blades of and stabbed one end into my forearm. The long blade double the size of my arm at the time.

Bru'tae grabbed me by that arm holding the blade in place with in iron grip. He dragged me over to my bearer who was bearly breathing on her knees. Held up by her arms by the elites that were there.

"This is what we do to traitors!" Bru'tae had roared out as he guided my arm down with the blade to hack my bearers head off at her neck. I remember the burning tears, her bloody screams an Bru'taes haunting chitter laughter.

As it took him forcing my arm back and forth 10 times before her head finally fell to the floor. My arm was bearly hanging on as I slumped to the floor. I was numb as my bearers head was staring up at me.

Bru'tae grabbed her head and put it on a wall spike. He ordered the elites to get rid of her body and to throw me into the pit of the ship. I may have been a pup at the time but if I wanted to prove my worth I had to become an elite as fast as possible.

The road was hard, the anger an hatred fueled my need to be alive! I would get revenge for my bearer! However for all of the deeds that I have done under Bru'taes orders...am I honorable enough? Can I do this? With the blood of my sins bathing me in self hatred and self doubt....was it possible to live an honourable life?

I feel the tears running down my mandibles. I wipe them away, I had no right to be sad for myself. I hear a sound behind me, I snap back into the present, jumping up and readying my combistick.

I see Siri standing there with her arms crossed "Sa'ke are you okay?" She asks me in concern.

I can't say anything my voice is all choked up, she notices my tears. She jumps up on to the rocks and embraces me. Holding me to her chest, I can't hold back the sadness anymore. We fall to our knees as I sob uncontrollably letting out all the hurt. Siri didn't say a thing she just rubbed my back and cooed to me....

Thank you everyone for reading this chapter and making it this far! This was a bit more of an intense chapter but for Sa'ke I think his story needed to be told. Thank goodness the Chris and the clan are there to help out! ^-^

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