Party at Paisley: Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Hey, Genevieve. Long time, no see." I smirk missing the way her name tasted in my mouth.

"Hi, Prince." She smiles playing in her hair.

"So what's all this about?" I ask taking a lock of her hair and twirling it around my finger.

"I wanted to trying something new. I've been wearing it straight for work lately thought I'd curl it for the party."

"It looks great. Where are you working now?"

"Early shifts at the Denny's. I'm a waitress."

"How's that been?" Im a little saddened to hear she's a waitress now. I can't imagine her waiting tables after seeing her dance the way she did.

"Pay is alright. It keeps my bills paid. I work a lot of doubles." She hiccups between her words I can see the embarrassment in her smile. "You'll have to excuse me. I don't usually do this but, it's my first day off in weeks."

"Don't what? Flirt?"

"I...was gonna say get drunk."she chuckles.

"So you're usually a flirt?" I ask smugly.

"Depends on the guy." She winks.

"You're nothing like that girl I met on set."

"Can you really say you knew her?"

"I'm not sure but, I'd like to get to know her." She pauses for a moment and smiles at me.

"I'd like that too."

"Let me get you a drink."

"I've already had a drink and 3 shots. I should probably slow down."

"Well shit, let me catch up with you then. I'll be right back." I stand up from the couch and make my way to the nearest bar grabbing a drink and a water.

"Thanks for stealing my dream girl." Miko says walking up to me. He points at my drink and signals the bartender to make him one.

"Miko, you wouldn't even know what to do with a girl like that!"

"Oh and you do? Your last three girlfriends all looked the same."

"You're just mad she chose me." He laughs and puts his hands up.

"The better man won but don't let her get away cuz I'm next."

"In your dreams, man." He grabs his drink from the bartender and pats my back before heading back to the crowd. I watch as several women flock in his direction and laugh. Miko's always been a ladies' man. He'll forget all about Genevieve in a week. I make my way back over to her and hand her the water.

"Thank you." She takes a big sip and holds the cup in her lap. "So what's with the party?"

"It's a bit of a celebration." I take sip of my drink knowing I'll need the liquid courage to get through this conversation.

"What're you celebrating?"

"My pending divorce." Her face immediately falls into one of concern.

"Oh no. I'm so sorry."

"Don't be. We haven't been happy in a long time."

"Are you happier now?"

"I'm getting there."

"That's what's important." I nod before taking another sip.

"I've got a bit of a proposition for you." She looks up with curious eyes. "Tyson's also off the movie. He came to work cracked out and Albert fired him on the spot." She gasps nearly choking on her water. "We have to reshoot all of the performances. With Mayte out of the picture the whole belly dance thing doesn't work. So, we need a new choreographer."

Motivation of Memories: The Second Book of the Labors of Love SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now