"Yeah, too bad about that huh?" he played along and saw her fight off a small smirk.

George POV

The guards had all raised their guns when the front door had opened. They didn't fire without a command from either George or Rita. But when she'd seen Warren coming out with her hands raised she swore her eyes had almost fallen out of her head. She had rushed to the perimeter line where Warren headed, walking at a steady pace. She only looked back once, when the door was being shut and barricaded again, before she ducked under the yellow tape and joined George and Rita.

Roberta looked shaken up and on edge but as George rested her hand on her friend's shoulder Warren started shaking her head and George could see the wheels in her head were switching gears. Going from hostage to sheriff.

"Tell me everything that has been going on out here." Warren demanded but neither of them questioned her. It was easy to see that Warren needed this distraction, if they coddled her too much her mind would probably fall apart, and they needed her sharp right now, so they did what she asked.

"We know Estes is the one who started this and that he must be after Murphy's cure." George told her.

"We were going to try and get in at eleven." Rita chimed in, "CZ said that was when the security lock would reset and we'd have our best shot but. . . that's sort of fallen through."

George nodded sadly, "Turns out –"

Warren shook her head again and held a hand up stopping her, "We can't stay in the past. You were going to try something, it didn't work, we move on. We don't have time for anything else."

They both nodded and Rita put her hands on her hips. "Doc was here, he's been giving us information from Murphy –"

"Murphy's here?" Warren asked looking at her shocked as her eyebrows pulled together.

"Yeah but he's not in such great shape." George told her, "He got a serious head wound and Hastings and Doc performed last minute brain surgery. CZ is letting us use his Z-TV station as a temporary hospital and we have a triage center set up by the Memorial Wall."

"According to Doc Murphy has the cure in a briefcase." Rita said and Warren nodded, "But it has a passcode lock and if you punch in the wrong thing the case will self destruct and destroy it's contents."

Warren's eyes widened as she ran a hand through her hair and started to pace. After one short lap back and forth and a lot of deep breathing she turned back to them and with a renewed determination she stormed passed them with a brief, "I need to talk to Murphy."

Warren POV

"Chief!" Doc exclaimed when he saw her enter the building and march down the hall, "How did you get out?"

"Long story Doc but there's nothing too hopeful about it." She told him not wanting to get his hopes up that he'd see the others any time soon. There was still plenty of time for things to go wrong and she had to use every second she could. "Is Murphy awake?"

"Uh, yeah." Doc said now walking quickly to keep up with her, "His room's right down there."

"Thanks." She said as her pace increased and she left Doc in the dust. Without knocking she went right in and Murphy looked at her surprised.

"Roberta? How – Doc said –"

She slammed her hands on the footboard of the bed and demanded, "Tell me how to open that case with the cure."

Murphy shut up, which in this case was not a good thing. He took a deep breath and looked sad when he told her, "I don't know."

"Don't play games with me." She said walking around the bed and getting closer to him, "I've been locked in a lobby with a man out for revenge, I've had a gun pointed at my head, I've held my breath while the other's had their lives threatened and I've been forced to sit on the sidelines and watch Addy nearly bleed out. Do. Not. Play. With. Me. Now."

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