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Black. Everything around her was black.
A bright light appeared on the horizon and Jun wondered for a moment what had happened and where the hell she was.
She moved in the direction of the bright light, but she didn't know if she was walking or floating. Her body felt light as a feather and even though she felt she was moving, it didn't feel like she was getting closer to the light. All this made absolutely no sense. It had to be a dream, a dream that felt damn real.

"Jun!", she heard someone call her name and as she spun around in the darkness, her surroundings changed and she was sitting in a chair.

She looked around and she wrenched her eyes open a little as she as surrounded by stars. If she didn't know better, she would think she was trapped in the galaxy, in a place so beautiful she wouldn't even dream of it.
She watched a few shooting stars pass by before she became aware of a presence that was with her in this strange but wonderful space.

"Uchiha Jun. 21 years old. Place of residence, Tokyo. Parents, Uchiha Akihiko and Uchiha Kiyomi. Siblings, none. Graduated senior class of Seido High. Grade point average, 1,3. Current studies in fitness and health. ", the voice spoke and Jun finally turned her head in the person's direction and before her sat a woman whose beauty surpassed anything she had ever seen.
"Have I forgotten something?", she asked directed at Jun who was slow to shake her head and couldn't avert her eyes.

"What happened and where am I?", she asked quietly of fear her voice would destroy this idyll.
"You're in the in-between world. A place between life and death. You don't remember what happened?", Jun shook her head and looked at the ceiling again, or the sky. She wasn't sure.
"You were involved in an accident on your way home, which unfortunately ended fatally for you.", she explained to her and Jun looked to her with a shocked expression on her face.
"Don't worry. You didn't have to suffer. You didn't even notice. Oh and sorry. My name is Leyna. I'm the Angel who will send you on your next journey."
"Next journey? What does that mean?", Leyna rose from her throne to now stand next to Jun and make the throne disappear with a simple wave of her hand.
"This is the space between worlds. You are neither on earth. Nor in heaven. Nor in hell. This space serves to give souls the opportunity to continue their lives. Not in the world they come from.", she made a hand movement again and many small monitors appeared in front of them and Jun didn't know where to look first.

"There are infinite parallel universes in this galaxy. There's no scenario that doesn't exist in another universe. We can send departed souls to one of the universes if we feel that the person hasn't lived long enough. Most of the time, older people or those who didn't deserve to be sent to another universe because they sinned appear before us.", she explained to her, tapping some monitors over and over again, which enlarged and revealed worlds to her that she had never seen before.

"The people who are sent to another universe live there until they die. They adapt to that world, merge with it until they eventually reappear with us and we bring them their peace. But be careful, your memories of the life you led before your death will fade more and more, until one day you won't be able to remember anything about it. Your parents will remain in your memory, because they also existed in this world. Everything else will slowly fade away and never come back. And you Jun...are special. I'm honored to be able to send you to another world."
"Wait...special? Why? And what do you mean to another world?", she didn't really understand the whole thing and to be honest, it was way too much for her and her head.

It wasn't that she didn't understand anything. She could follow the angel and she also understood what she wanted to tell her. But she was dead.
She sat here, in a space between worlds, not really knowing what to do with this information. In the end, she wished that this was just a dream and that her mother would wake her up soon and she could go to school.

"I'm afraid that's not going to happen, Jun.", it seemed like Leyna could read her mind and she now lowered her head and looked at her hands.
"Which...universe am I being sent to?", Leyna looked at the monitors and made them all disappear except for one which she enlarged and sat down on her throne which was now next to Jun's chair.

"In this one. Your last name Uchiha doesn't come from anywhere. It can happen that some things from other universes sneak into your world. And so it was with you and your family. Something as insignificant as a surname means fear, pain and dread in this world. I'm not sending you there because I want you to suffer. I'm sending you there so that you can be a part of the change that this world so desperately needs. There are certain aspects of this world that you will not understand. You will have to learn them and you will understand why your existence in this world is so important.", she explained to her and Jun finally looked at the monitor and saw a world that looked beautiful and at the same time she felt that there was something that would cause endless pain.

"I will watch over you. I can't help you or show you your way. You will have to find it yourself, no matter what hurdles you have to fight. You are strong and you have a wonderful soul. All of this will help you find your way in this universe.", Lenya rose again and put her hand on Jun's head, closed her eyes and glistening light surrounded them both.

"You will possess the ability of the Sharingan, as your last name empowers you to use it. For now, you will be alone and probably many will look upon you with suspicion and fear. But when they realize what kind of person you are and that you want to be part of their world and lives, you will become a part of them and no one will ever question you again. Now go, my child. Enrich the world with your smile and your wonderful nature. Help them find the way to step out of the darkness and live a life in joy and peace.", Jun closed her eyes and within seconds she felt the space around her disappear and when she opened her eyes again, she was in a dense forest.

Her eyes hurt like hell and the style of her clothes had completely changed. She was no longer wearing her school uniform. Her clothes were replaced by a red top and black knee-length pants. She wore black boots and in general she felt weird in her body. She didn't even know if she was herself or if she had already taken over someone else's body.
All this was way too much for her and her understanding and when she looked around, she was already surrounded by three guys looking down at her and that's when she realized that finding her way in this world would be more difficult than she thought until now.

All this was way too much for her and her understanding and when she looked around, she was already surrounded by three guys looking down at her and that's when she realized that finding her way in this world would be more difficult than she thoug...

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Hey Everybody.
This is my first story and yeah...
it's kinda something else.
The first part is kinda boring and more informative
about what happend to Jun.
But now the story will begin and her journey will be...
chaotic I think. :D
I hope you liked the first part and I hope
you will also like the next parts too :D

𝐂𝐎𝐏𝐘 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐒 ・K. Hatake x OCWhere stories live. Discover now