65 | reenact

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"You've been squinting the entire time," Nox says as she turns sideways to glance at me. "Can you not see well?" She asks, her gaze now focused on the road ahead of us.

We're currently in her car because it suddenly started raining; pouring actually which is why we decided it was time for us to head back. We've spent a couple of hours watching the sunset from the roof of her car at Halcyon Viewpoint and we've missed most of it because we were busy making out like teenagers. We're approaching Sunleth as we're dashing on the highway that leads to our part of town.

"I can't focus on objects that are in the distance because all I see is a blur." I tell her. "It's been like this for a few weeks." Even when we were playing videogames at Sam's place, I couldn't see clearly on the screen.

"Maybe you need to get your myopia checked." She purses her lips. "Did you have trouble with your vision growing up?"

I shake my head. "Not really."

"I guess you've grown a little nearsighted because you work too much on your computer." Nox reaches for her bottle of water and gives it to me so that I can open it for her. Once the cap is off, I hand her the bottle and she takes a quick sip. "I think you'd look cute with glasses."

"The goal isn't to look cute Nox." I mutter, trying my best to hide the smile creeping on my face and she rolls her eyes.

"You would look dashing, handsome, drop dead gorgeous." She says again with a smirk. "Satisfied?" She makes a turn at a junction that leads at the opposite side of our neighborhood and goes downtown.

"Where are we going?"

"To get your eyes checked."

"Don't you need an appointment for that?" I ask her.

"I know a place." Nox smiles at me, and it makes me feel light as a feather. "I'm starting to think that the cause of your headaches is the fact that you can't see well. Yoongi also had those because he's a blind bat and he's stupid for refusing to wear his glasses outside."

She does that a lot now.

"Do you have your credit card with you?"


"Perfect." She muses.

Once we've reached our destination, Nox parks right in front of a tall building and she gestures me to get out. The sign on the top says 'Lunar Optics' in thin capital letters with the blue logo in the shape of a wide eye standing right next to it. It doesn't take me long to realize that the iris of the eye is in fact a globe and whoever designed this clever art piece should be proud of their work.

Nox stands next to me and crosses her arms shaking her head. "You noticed that too huh?"


"The iris of the eye is Earth." She continues. "If I tell you that Yoongi was the one who designed the logo will you believe me?"

"Shit, are you serious?" My eyes widen in disbelief. No matter why it's so cleverly thought out and executed.

"Yes!" She giggles. "And you know what? I'm very close with the owner of this business. He's in fact the owner of the apartment at Sunleth. When I was facing trouble back in high school, he had me work him in his shop; back then it was a much smaller place and it belonged to his father so the only job he could give me was mostly cleaning and to carry stuff from floor to floor." I look at her straight in the eyes as she proceeds to tell me all about this place when she pauses to take a deep breath. "Jin knows a lot about me, and Elijah and he understood my situation so he tried to help me as best as he could so a year went by and he suggested me a massage school. I didn't have much going for me since I flunked my SAT's, so I accepted his offer, trained for five months and then got my license!"

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