"Excuse me!" Tracy gasped indignantly.

"I think Shelby has had a rough day Hun, you should get going so she can rest her head." Bran all but dragged her out of the room.

Shelby blew at the hair straying out of her band; she didn't understand why her life had to be so basic. Get up in the morning, eat, come to the office and glue her ass to her chair till the day ran out.

She wanted to pull her hair out whenever she saw they had a new horse that needed to be tamed, she should be the one on the field creating a beautiful bond with the beautiful horse and his or her surroundings yet there she sat with a smile on her face as she signed the horse off to any personal trainer available nearby.

They only reared and kept the finest horses in the country, no wild horses were allowed in the Darrius stables, Shelby loved to always think of her horses as royalty.

"I'm sorry about that." Shelby jumped when she heard Bran's voice beside her.

"God damn it Bran!"

"Sorry Shel, I've always been quiet on my feet." Bran smiled in apology.

"Its fine, I'm used to her drama." Shelby reassured Bran.

"I know but I'm sure you two can still get along." The thought of Tracy being in her personal space irked Shelby.

"I think Tracy and I are fine where we are."

Shelby and Bran stood in silence for a few minutes lost in their own thoughts, it was something they did whenever they had the chance to be together, they gave each other peace. That was unparalleled to any other feeling Shelby knew.

"That weird mail came in today again."

Shelby wrinkled her nose. "The one about debts and selling the ranch?"

"Yea that one but this time, it says you have till Friday unless they will send a representative here to check out the ranch."

George had paid off the debts he owed before he died, Shelby was sure of that but for some unknown reason, Salvatore and Salvatore Companies kept sending mails to the ranch that her father was owing them, they refused to speak to Shelby insisting on speaking only to George. Shelby might have told them not too respectfully to bring him back to life.


Shelby was leaning on the fence looking at all the majestic horses running around; she smiled to herself when one of her favorites led the herd.

"You look so peaceful here, you sure you don't want me to saddle up one of the well behaved one's for you to test your rusty skills?"

Shelby smiled softly when she heard Bran's voice, he had been asking her this same question for days now and he wasn't the only one asking. It had been almost five years since Shelby touched a horse; today was one of those days where she just had to feed her eyes.

"No Bran, I think I'm fine just watching our majestic creatures." Shelby squeezed her hands together.

Bran shrugged. "Your choice. We need you out there Shelby, I don't know how long you're going to hide in your own shadows."

"I'm not hiding in my shadows Bran, I jus-" Shelby shook her head when her chest started to feel heavy. "It doesn't matter, you're right, I shouldn't be here, I'll just get out of your hair."

"That's not-" Bran's apology was half out but Shelby was already walking briskly to her office. "-what I meant."
Bran sighed fanning himself with his shirt, the heat was something he was used to but he wasn't that young anymore, he made a promise to George before the disease got him, he promised to get Shelby back out there, the horses needed her, he didn't understand why she decided to torture herself.

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