Chapter 38: The Ball Part Two

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"How are you, Aster?"

"Oh you know! Dealing with this, dealing with that!" She exclaimed and I nodded.

"I know it's sudden to find out you're a werewolf and what not! But if you need anything, you are free to come right over."

I gave her a thank you. My uneasiness rose at her offer, which I felt there was more to the story.

"You should not worry, Mrs. Bennett. I am taking good care of my newest pack member."

Hayley startled me as she approached, talking to Bonnie's mother. Her stance was firm like a leader's and her head was straight ahead. Her dress was beautifully done with a strapless, heart shaped neckline that was a deep navy blue, followed by a set of beautiful diamonds attached to it, obviously to show off the Labonair wealth. Her gown was poofier at the bottom, but not too much, with a light bluish color, and small roses and stems flown around it nicely.

"Hayley Labonair. It is an honour," Aster sucked up to her, her head bowed a little, and Hayley bowed her head a little too. Aster's sweet face was different from her tone which sounded as if she couldn't believe a twenty two year old orphan girl was now the leader of the only wolf clan in the world.

The clinking of a glass brought all of us out of the uncomfortable situation as we faced Klaus at the center. His black tux fit perfectly against his toned body and his dimples were plastered onto his face as he smiled at everyone.

"Honored guests, thank you for coming here today to celebrate the return of the Labonair pack," Klaus shouted and everyone clapped as I nudged Hayley and sent her a smirk.

"Let us hope that the wars have finally ended and that we now bring peace to our home. Cheers!" Everyone raised their glasses, drinking down their drinks as the music started back up, and people started to dance. Bonnie's parents walked away and over towards Davina's parents speaking in a hushed tone. I look back over to where Klaus was standing, my forehead wrinkled as he was now gone.

My eyes quickly spotted him as he was facing me, talking to his brothers. I looked over to see Rebekah joining, her and Klaus' eyes looking over to the Bennett's and Claire's before back to their siblings. My eyes continued to stay on Klaus, his body visibly relaxed on the outside, but ready to pounce on the inside.

Was it really true what Rebekah had said? Has Klaus never said sorry?

Besides the feeling of annoyance towards his child-like behavior, my heart thumped loudly at the fact that Klaus had apologized to me, something he never did before.

Does that make me a bad person?

The little voices in my head were saying no, shouting at me to realize that Klaus was trying to be better, not just for me or himself, but for the beautiful, amazing baby growing inside of me. I turned my head back to my friend, jumping out of my thoughts.

"Where's Hayley?" I asked, upset with myself to be completely oblivious to where she had gone.

"She said she needed to go to the bathroom," Bonnie responded, looking at me like I was crazy for not hearing her a second ago. I turn my head back to the room, scanning for faces again, when a certain blond-haired, blue eyed one catches my attention.


Hayley's POV

I pat down my gown, breathing deeply as I look at the bathroom mirror.

"I got this. Just get this night over with Hayley. Then you can get out of this god awful dress," I mutter to myself before opening the door to the bathroom. I hated going to the bathroom with this dress on.

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