'Oh my gosh... he does love bellys!' Ryan thouht to himself, smiling. He wanted to poke at his own bellybutton, but he figured that would be embarrassing if someone else saw.

'Maybe I can wait till lunch, and I can talk to him'


The bell had ranged for lunch, and Ryan payed attention to what Johnny was doing. He walked up to the teacher, and asked him where the lunch room was. So that ment Johnny just isn't a new kid in the class, but also new to the entire school. 'This is where I try to be his friend-'

Ryan walked up to Johnny, who was talking to the teacher. "Hey, I can take you there!" Ryan said to him. "H-Huh? O-oh..." Johnny was just stammering all over the place. "That'll be great!" The teacher said. "The school should of assigned him with guide, it would be helpful if you walked him to the lunch room" The teacher said. Ryan smiled at Johnny. "Come on, lets go" Ryan said. Johnny bashfully nodded, and walked with him out the classroom.

Ryan showed him the right path to the lunchroom, they both got their lunches, and they both sat at a table. A table that was not near to many of the other students. Ryan was just glad that Johnny was sticking near him. He'd probably do the same if he saw new to a school like this, he'd want to make a quick friend who'd show him around. "So, what you think about this school?" Ryan asked. He saw Johnny turn his head, facing him. "U-um... it's ok I guess" He said.

'He's so shy...' Ryan said to himself. But then Ryan got an itch on his belly, and had to scratch his belly. This time, he actually was itchy.

And of course, Johnny had to take a quick glance over at Ryan scratching his belly. Even though he was scratching with his shirt down.

"You alright?" Ryan asked, trying to play dumb. Like he didn't know that Johnny supposedly likes bellys. "U-Um... yeah!" Johnny said. Ryan just decided to ask Johnny. "Hey... I saw how you where looking at my belly in class-"

Well, that caused Johnny to blush harder than what he was doing before. "H-huh! I wasn't doing that! Haha! No.. I... um..."

Ryan just had to giggle. "Hey, if you do, I can totally see why you do. I won't judge"

"Y-you... huh?"

"What I'm trying to say is, I think it's cool you like them... if you do that is... do you?"

Johnny looked down at his lunch tray, then slowly nodded.

'Oh my gosh he admitted!' Ryan said to himself. So, Ryan decided to take it one step up. "You... wanna see my tummy again?" He asked. Johnny looked over and nodded, very shyly.

Ryan smiled. Then. He put his hands on the bottem of his button up shirt, and lifted up just just above his bellybutton. Johnny's face looked star strucked at seeing Ryan's belly.

Ryan could only just giggle. "You're welcome to touch it" He said. "I-I can?"

Ryan nodded. So, then Johnny reached over, and started to sofly touched Ryan's belly. Small giggles escaped from Ryan as he felt his belly being touched. Johnny's face turned a bright pink as he head Ryan giggling, as saw his belly reacting to the soft touches, as it was slightly sucking in. Then, he dipped his finger in Ryan's innie, and it made him laugh a bit more. "That tickles so much, but I like it" Ryan giggled. "Do you like my bellybutton?" Ryan asked. Johnny nodded, "it's very soft"

The lunch room was getting a little more crowded, so Ryan quickly put his shirt back down. "Hey, lets go somewhere a little bit more quiet" Ryan told him. Johnny had taken his finger out of Ryan's navel as soon as he put his shirt back down. "Quiet?...um, where?" Johnny asked. "I'll show you" Ryan said.


There was a wall that was right behind a certain part in the launch room. Most of the students never go around there, so Ryan figured he'd be alone with Johnny.

"Here?" Johnny said once they've both reached to the place Ryan was talking about. "Yep!" Ryan went ahead and sat on the floor agiest the wall. "You sure other people won't come back here?"

Ryan shook his head. "Nope... sit infront of me" He said. Johnny went and saw infront of Ryan, and once he did, Ryan unbuttoned the bottem of his shirt and showed Johnny his tummy. "Tickle me~" Ryan said with a smirk. Johnny blushed, and started to wiggle his fingers in Ryan's deep bellybutton, and that caused Ryan to burst out in laughter. "Hehehe that tickles so much!" He laughed. Johnny bashfully smiled, and he continued to wiggle his fingers in Ryan's innie. "Wanna see if I'm tickish elsewhere~?"

Johnny blushed, and looked down. Ryan blushed madly. "Hey, no, not that!" He laughed. "Maybe later~" He said. Johnny bashfully looked away. "Try my armpits~" Ryan said. Johnny looked at him, then reached over, putting his hands up Ryan's shirt, putting his hands in his armpits, tickling at it. Ryan laughed hysterical as that was one of his most ticklish spots. Johnny was really going at it, by feeling all the parts of Ryan's armpits, that Ryan had to actually back away. "Woah, you're an amazing armpits tickler!"

Johnny blushed. "Am I really that good?"

"Dude, of course you are! We should meet after school, if you'd like" Ryan said.

"I'd love that" Johnny said with a smile.

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