
"That's exactly what I was thinking."

"Hm so Trevor you ever made someone cry before?"

"From pain or?"

"No from ecstasy."

"Okay you are really building yourself up."

"Buy a cock or get out." Ivy chuckled

"Okay let's leave we will use the ones you already have."


"Felt weird being in there while you bragged about your sex life ian."

"Just because you haven't had sex in like years ivy , your jealous."

"Correction I had sex last week."

"Oh yeah with who?"

"This man named luke."

"Sounds fake."

"You can meet him if you want , tinders really helping me out at the moment."

"Pft Imagine having to use tinder."

"Shut up Ian.alright well you guys have fun fucking , I'll see you at home ian."

"Bye ivy!"

"Bye t"

"Bye ivy."

"Fuck u." She mouthed to Ian


"Good day at school?" Ivy asked Liam


"Home sweet home go sit Liam."

"Heyyy!" Frank waved Everyone looked at him , he was butt naked

"Son of a bitch!" Ian stormed towards him

"Frank put some clothes on!" Ivy sighed

"Fixed the toilet , cleaned the house and got you a washing machine . I think the proper verbiage is 'thanks dad'."

"Uh , fuck you frank. Get out!"

"Maybe you wanna bring your boy toy over for some afternoon delight?"

"Frank that's my dressing gown!" Ivy complained as frank continued to wrap it around him "you know what have it."

"Thank you Ivy. You know Ian I'm happy to distract young Liam there from the double boy grunts ."

"Get outtttt!"

"Calm down. I have a few repairs to do on the house. Now that Fiona has dropped the ball."


"Someone's gotta pick it up and that someone is me!"

Ian then picked up the bat that always hung on the wall and pointed it at frank

"Wait. My clothes are in the wash!" Frank stuttered

"You have to the count of three dressed or not, Frank. One!"

"Let's take a vote! Everyone in favour of having an actual parent in the house?"

Liam raised his hand but ivy pushed it down

"Two!" Ian then charged at frank

"You never say three." Frank then ran out of the house screaming

"I'll buy you a new dressing gown ivy."



Ivy was listening to music on her phone when it started ringing , she sat down on Ian's bed and picked up the phone .

"Hello? This better be important cause you made me pause you music." She laughed

"Ivy. It's me .... It's Alicia." She cried

"Alicia? Are you okay? Why are you crying?"

"It's mum . She's dying ivy , she has cancer."


"I don't have nowhere to go if she dies ivy and the nurses said she's not gonna make it."

"Holy fucking shit ."

"Can you fly me out? To you?"

"I have no money leash. How am I gonna do that."

"Ask everyone for money."

"I don't know if they will give"

Ivy then heard nurses talking to Alicia it didn't sound good at all .

"Alicia are you still there!"

She didn't respond , she heard distant voices a long beep and she also heard her little sister sobbing.

"Alicia!" Ivy yelled through the phone "what's happened? What's fucking happened!"

"Ivy! She's gone! Mums gone." Alicia sobbed


"I'm sorry I never called sooner but I only just found your number."

"She's gone?"

"Yes ivy , I need you."

"Alicia we can't stay with terry."

"Then we will stay at the gallaghers."

"There's no room for the two of us."

"I'll sleep on the floor if I have to Ivy just please . I need you ."

The two were both bawling over the phone , not once did it ever cross ivy's mind that if something had happened to her mum Alicia would be alone and now her mum was dead , if only Ivy hadn't of gotten her new phone and SIM card a few months ago then Alicia could've called her sooner to tell her about the cancer and maybe ivy could've flown down to England but no she was in America crying to her sister over the phone about the passing of her mother.

"I love you Alicia I'll find a way to get you out."

"I love you too."

She hung up.

Ivys phone slid out of her hands as she covered her face with the blanket.

"Ian." She yelled "Ian help."

Ian came running upstairs to see the state that ivy was in

"Ivy what's wrong?"

"She's gone. She's fucking gone Ian."

"Who's gone ? Tell me who's gone?"

"My mother."

"Oh Ivy."

"She had cancer , I wish I never changed my fucking SIM card then Alicia could've called me sooner but I'm such an idiot!"

"Ivy your not an idiot."

"Ian my mother just died! I was on the phone and heard it all! Alicia is now alone with nobody unless I fly her out and I have no fucking money."

"We can find a way."

"How Ian? We are both broke."

"We can ask everyone."

"This family is broke . My family is broke there is no money. Not even if we add it all up flights cost like a grand."

"Ivy please calm down"

"You're telling me to calm down? When my mum has just died. You sick fuck."


"I'm sorry." She fell into Ian's arms making his once white top almost see through with her tears "im gonna be sick."

"Come on let's get you to the bathroom."

He basically carried her to the bathroom , after sitting there comforting ivy for ages ian got a phone call that lip was being aggressive and was drunk , he didn't want to leave Ivy but she insisted he went and helped his brother as he needed it .

Ivy now had no mum, she had to eventually tell her brothers when she finally sees them again that's if she Evers sees them . Iggy and Colin have been missing for ages and Mickey is in jail.

And Alicia was alone ....

Ivy milkovich Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ