"I'm going crazy." Y/n admitted out loud, opening up her tied hair which was starting to get messy.

Hoping to clear her mind Y/n thought of taking a shower. But as soon as she stepped inside she realized that she was out of shampoo.

Great. Just great.

Oh wait Yeonjun has some nice smelling shampoo i can go steal it.

But then again i don't want to bump into him.


Similar thoughts flooded Y/n's mind as she just thought chuck it and stepped out of her room sighing in relief again to see the boys nowhere.

She knew it was time for Yeonjun to head to the gym, so she freely walked into his room like she owned it and headed for the bathroom.

"Ooo new towels. I'm definitely stealing these." Y/n giggled to herself and picked up a towel and then proceeded to place a shampoo and conditioner bottle atop it. 

Y/n skipped back to her room happily and entered the shower, liking the fact that her mind was starting to get clear now. 

Lathering the shampoo into her hair, Y/n couldn't help but remember how many times Yeonjun's scent has comforted her. Be it through a hug, when they were acidentally cuddling, it always brought her peace.

"DAMMIT IM THINKING OF HIM AGAIN!" Y/n yelled to herself in defeat momentarily opening her eyes.

Spoiler: the soap gets in her eyes.

After a while of intense cursing, Y/n wrapped a towel around her hair and around her body while she looked back at her shower making sure she left it clean before she opened the door and stepped outside not expecting Yeonjun.

The said man was leaning against the doorframe with his hands crossed with sweat that made his skin glisten. His hair was slightly damp from the sweat and his eyes stared into y/n's deeply. 

Y/n on the other hand was trying not to stare at his lower body because of his gym attire that consisted of a sleeveless shirt that highlighted his arm muscles and sweatpants.


"Why are you avoiding me, Y/n?" Yeonjun asked his voice slightly deeper than usual. Y/n gulped. She obviously didn't expect to be confronted this soon. 

"N-no reason," Y/n mumbled looking anywhere but at Yeonjun who knew his effect on the girl.

"It doesn't look like that." He said standing up straight and walking towards Y/n who felt like her feet were glued to the ground. 

"We can talk later, jun." Y/n said placing a palm on his chest stopping him. "I need to get dressed its really cold."

Yeonjun's demeanor shifted as he watched Y/n step to the side and walk to the door. Did he really get rejected that fast?

"Do you-" Yeonjun breathed. "Do you not like me?"

Y/n stopped where she stood her heart thundering. All this while she was thinking about her own feelings but was being inconsiderate about Yeonjun's. He was human too, he had a soft heart in there which gets hurt easily just like her.

"Its not that." Y/n said her back still turned on Yeonjun who looked somewhat hopeful. 

"Y-you just make me so flustered and it scares me because I've never experienced such things before." Y/n admitted biting her lip, assuming Yeonjun was still listening.

"It's scary falling in love with you Choi Yeonjun." 

Yeonjun was rendered speechless. Y/n was a tough shell to crack because she always wore that goofy smile of hers that made everyone think that she was fine. 

That same facade came crumbling down in front of Him.

"I like you. And I'm hesitating not because of you." Y/n clarified her eyes glossing with tears. "Its me. I'm the problem."

The silence in the room scared Y/n. She had done it again. She lost someone she loved again.

Y/n was so absorbed in her own thoughts that she didn't hear Yeonjun's footsteps walk up to her until she felt his arms wrap around her torso and his face rested in the crook of her neck that smelled exactly like him.

"You're such an idiot for thinking I'd ever leave you." He murmured against her bare skin sending shivers down her spine.

"I love you Y/n. I promise to be right next to you no matter how hard the times are." 

Y/n's tears trickled down her face and onto Yeonjun's hands that had a tight grip on her but not tight enough to hurt her.

"I-i dont deserve you." Y/n's wobbly voice was heard after a while. 

"Oh but trust me darling," Yeonjun said the smile in his voice evident. 

"You deserve more than anybody else."


Saudade [Choi Yeonjun] Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora