"This is Nick. Alright I'll show you round the crib later let's hit up the boys first."


"Oh yeah thanks for the party , great to see you all , good to be home." He then left the house with 'Nick'

"I agree Ivy." Fiona whined


"Fiona!" Ivy yelled "Fiona!"

"Holy shit stop yelling." She moaned as she came downstairs  to see two adults standing in the living room

"Are you Fiona?" The lady asked and Fiona nodded. " we would like to talk to you about the baby."

"What baby?"

"Derek And Debbie's Baby."

Ian then choked on his coffee and Ivy gasped a little .

"Holy shit what else did I miss?" Carl grinned

"Debbie!" Fiona glared at her

"Hi." She awkwardly smiled

"Now this is my queue to leave the room you coming Ian?"

"Yes I'm coming Ivy."


"You're gonna carry a bag of flour around All day?" Ivy asked Debbie

"If that's what it takes to prove it to Fiona that I'm my own person? Yes"

"Good luck with that shes a total control freak lately." Ian added

"Tell me about it"

"Acting like she's our mom."

"It's my body I can do what I want."

"Yeah , I'm getting it from all sides . She's jamming meds down my throat and at work , she's ripping me a new one over some bullshit."

"Found them."

"Baby clothes? Really debs."

"Yes Ivy. Jesus look what she's sending me."

She flipped the phone around to reveal a text trying to convince Debbie to get an abortion .

"Delete that shit." Ian sighed

"Hey Ian do you think Fiona could get me a job at pasty's? I'm running low on money."

"I'll speak to her. See you later."

"Have a good day guys."


"You fired Ian?"

"Yeah he was being an asshole!"

"He needed that job Fiona , he would've stayed if you wouldn't have been so bitchy and controlling!"

"Go home."

"I will."

"Go then!"

"Your an ass Fiona , let Debbie have the baby if she wants I heard that you tackled her last night."

"Get out Ivy."

"I'm going."

Ivy then left the house not knowing if she'd be welcomed home anytime soon .

She knew Ian was currently at lips college trying to get a job as a janitor which was grim but he also needed money , the job she wanted at pasty's wasn't happening anytime soon which sucked.


"Tell me why I'm going to the fire dept with you?"

"Cause I want to give them my cookies"

"Okay then let's go in."

"Heyy im looking for a fire fighter . But I don't know his name."


" I was on the central ave bridge on Tuesday and he saved my life."

" Tuesday? You want the hose pullers."

"The what?" Ivy chuckled

" Flamers. the gay firemen. they are all on one shift ."

"Really?" Ian smirked

"Chicago fire island."

"So when's the next gay shift?"

"7:00am tomorrow. Those snickerdoodles?"

Ian passed the man the cookies he made before leaving

"Fionas still mad at me."

"You been sleeping at home?"

"Nope been crashing at friends . I cant go home not with none of my brothers being there too dangerous."

"True , I'm still not cool with her either."

"I heard about you and lip fighting at college. Been along time since you two have fought."

"Pft he pisses me off."

"I can tell. You're always shit talking your brother."

"And your not? Let's go back to mine ,"

"Do we have to?"

"Yes ivy"


"So , we went to the bank and the house is being sold at auction but there's a chance we could buy it. So for the first time ever it would be our house . Not aunt gingers, not Patrick's."

Ivy wasn't really listening she just felt uncomfortable with carls friend Nick staring at her all the time but what she had caught was that they had been given an eviction notice from Patrick , the cousin they had problems with many years ago.

"How?" Ivy asked

"Sean has got a guy at the bank who thinks I can get a loan of up to 100,000"

"Dollars?" Carl wondered

"I know."

"Holy shit someone's willing to give us a 100 grand." Ian smiled


"Why didn't we do this years ago?"

"The bank doesn't just give you money Ian . They buy the house and let you live in it until you pay back the loan with interest." Sean said

"Or not." Ian replied

"We need a down payment of $3,500."

"Out of cash i can't help." Ivy exhaled

"Three and a half g's? Shit I got you covered . What do you want? You want hundreds or small bills?"

"You just got out of juvie and you have $3000?" Fiona scoffed

"Right. Ivy take some as you said your low on cash."

"Holy shit thanks Carl."


"No Carl we are not taking your drug money." Fiona grumbled

"Fine I'll spend it on my ride come on Nick , if you need us we will be upstairs."

"I don't know why you called a family meeting Fiona when you make all the decisions." Ian complained as he got up and walked away from the table

"Sorry about the other day." Ivy apologised

"It's fine Ivy."

"Alright well atleast that's out the way. Sean it's nice to finally know your name." Ivy shook his hand

"You didn't know my name?" He said

"Nope , I've seen you just never knew you."

"Oh alright."

Ivy milkovich Where stories live. Discover now