"Hold on , come here sit. Did you run it under cold water?"


"Well then you are shit out of luck in this house . No water" she then took the cloth he had wrapped around it off "fucking hell Ian your gonna have a fat ass scar"

"It'll match the one I got in the army."

"Lemme see."

He then showed her the long red scar on his left hand

"How'd you get it?"

"I tried to Hotwire a helicopter burned myself on the starter."

"You can Hotwire a helicopter?" She laughed

"Not very good , apparently . Got caught trying to steal government property and that's why the mps are after me well that and going awol and enlisting under a false identity and maybe other stuff."

"Shit Ian."

"Wow , pretty hardcore" Sammi voiced from the kitchen as she packed her stuff

"No just mentally ill."

"All done Ian." Ivy smiled at him , he slightly smiled back .


"Sammi what the fuck!" Ivy screamed as tears poured down her face "I fucking hate you so much."

"I'm doing what's right Ivy."

"Fuck that your doing what's wrong . Send them away!"

"I cant do that."

"Yes you can! Fuck off you army men!"

"Ivy stop harassing them."

"I'll fucking Harass them if I want you are a piece of shit and I hope your child gets fucked up in prison."

Then Sammi got up in ivys face

"Say that about chuckie again."

"I said I hope your child gets fucked up in prison."

"Fuck you!"

"Fuck you too!"

The door then went

Ivy looked over to see the two happiest boys walk in . Covered in blood but happy as ever . She smiled at the sight

"Hi Ian." Sammi said

"Hey. We are going on a date."

"Fuck yes we are."

Ivy sobbed as the boys didn't take much notice of her. She couldn't warn them what was about to happen because one of the army men had his hand over her mouth. She was pretty sure this was illegal but he wasn't letting go.

"Listen , listen Ian I want you to know you are a really good kid with a big heart. You have some hard times ahead of you , but you're gonna do great."

Ivy then broke away from the man's grip

"Ian!" She screamed before the man covered her mouth again

"Ivy?" Ian looked around for her but couldn't find her

"Gentlemen , this is Ian Gallagher . I think they're ready to take him to jail now."

Ivy was let loose , she ran to Ian and guarded him

"Why Sammi?" Ian's voice trembled

The men went to touch Ian and the 3 started fighting them only for the men to grab ahold of both Mickey and Ivy meaning the other could take Ian away .

"Die Sammi." Ivy spat "I hope you fucking die!"

Ian was taken outside . Ivy and Mickey were finally let go and ran outside

"You cant just grab him out of his fucking house!" Mickey yelled

"What the fuck is going on?" Fiona ran towards isn

"He's sick! For fucks sake." Ivy cried

"Where the fuck are you taking him!"

The men got in the car after they locked ian in the back

"Tell us where your fucking taking him."

They drove off

"It's a shame when someone you love gets taken away , isn't it?" Sammi sniffled

"Fuck you!" Ivy slapped her "you sick bitch."

"Ivy calm down." Fiona dragged her away from Sammi "calm."

"I . fucking . hate . this . place . I . don't . know . why . I . came . back." Before each word Ivy took a kick at this cardboard box that was outside of the house , she didn't mean what she said but she was so full of anger she didn't care .

"Ivy calm it" Mickey stopped her from kicking anything else and let her cry into his shoulder

"I wanna go home."

Ivy milkovich Where stories live. Discover now