They both went and hugged him , he never hugged back he just stared at them with a blank face

"Should we sit?" Fiona asked

"Yeah let's fucking sit , yeah." Mickey responded

"You hanging in there?" Ivy asked

He nodded his head

"Food any good?"

He didn't respond

"I mean everyone's good on our end right?"

"Yeah." Fiona and Mickey replied

"Guess what , I got married." Fiona smiled "I was kind of impulsive and I might have already messed it up."

He didn't answer to anything any of them were saying , he sat there in silence until he asked

"Where's yevgeny?"

"He's at home . He's totally fine." Mickey stuttered

Ian then stood up and started to walk away but Ivy grabbed his hand

"Where you going?"

"I'm tired."

He walked away

"You okay?" She asked her brother who looked hurt

"Mhm , yup I'm great."

"You wanna go?"

"Yes please."

"Alright let's go , see you fi."

"Bye Ivy."

"It's just the sedation mick."


"He'll be back to normal soon."

"I hope so."

"He will , I promise."


"Carl why is chuckie your slave?" Sammi asked Carl who sat down with all the condoms around his neck

"Way to go!" Ivy high fived him

"Don't encourage Ivy."

She flipped Sammi off

"Needed to sweeten our deal."

"I got you nunchucks and condoms."

"I know I got one on right now."

"Okay you need to learn what's okay to be said outloud and what not carl." Ivy laughed

"Good evening family." Frank yelled

" I am warning you Frank get out."

"Ooo Sammi with the threats."

"Hi lip." Debbie said to lip who just walked in the house with a bunch of paper

" did you guys sign this for a registered letter this summer? Jesus does anyone think to get rid of the fucking junk mail"

"I am doing the best I can to keep this house afloat . Lip." Sammi sighed

" hey what are you guys watching ?" Frank asked the many that sat on the sofa eating dinner

"MMA fighting." Debbie replied

"I went to see Ian today , he barely spoke."

"When will he be out?" Debbie asked


Lip started yelling once he found his scholarship papers , he couldn't afford to go back to school for the upcoming semester because of the family.

" I just had to take out of 5000 cash advance okay? My credit is ruined because nobody told me about these goddamn fucking papers."

"We are all adults here lip we have to take responsibility for our own actions." Frank commented "we cant rely on each other it comes off as needy and desperate."

"I am not needy or desperate" Sammi whipped out a pistol

"Put the fucking gun down Sammi!" Lip yelled

"This isn't about you lip, this is about me and him."

"Is there any desert." Frank asked making Ivy chuckle , yeah she was terrified but frank never failed to make her laugh.

"Where the hell are you going? Get out! If you don't get out right now I will shoot you!"

Frank was now in the kitchen with Ivy behind him cause that's where she ran to when Sammi whipped out the gun.

"Go ahead." Frank put his arms out "you don't have the guts. You see I knew you weren't a real Gallagher."

He started to walk towards Ivy who was at the table when Sammi shot the flour bag , Ivy and Frank jumped from shock I mean everyone did.

"Are you fucking nuts!" Ivy and frank said at the same time.

"Ivy you're bleeding..." Debbie trembled "so are you frank."

The two looked down at their arms to see blood pouring down

"What the actual fuck you psycho!" Ivy yelled before having to sit down as she felt light headed

"Atleast I hit the two I hate the most , a few inches in any direction and I could've hit a major organ on both of you . Frank tell me you fucking need me!"

"Even you aren't that batshit crazy."

"Oh yes I am frank." She then poured salt on franks wound

"Ah yes I need you !"

"Oh dad I knew you did. Come on let's get you cleaned up. Let's go to the hospital , we will be back!"

Ivy then passed out from the blood she lost , she never thought she'd be shot in the arm well she never thought she'd be shot but there she was passed out on the kitchen floor of the Gallagher house.

Ivy milkovich Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora