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After taking Sam to the hospital, Cassie called Jimin to check where he went, but he never responded. Dylan and even Taehyung called his cellphone and once Sam got treated for his facial injuries, we headed back to the apartment. Dylan would stay at the hospital with Cassie to look after Sam while Taehyung and I would go out to look for Jimin since he damaged his knuckles. We knocked on Jimin's door and he didn't answer. I even used the spare emergency key to enter his apartment, but it was empty. I just hope he isn't doing anything reckless right now, because he's in a vulnerable state of mind.

Taehyung sighs in defeat when he realizes that Jimin is running out loose and runs a hand through his hair, fisting the roots. I shut the door of Jimin's apartment behind me when I approach him and swing an arm around his waist.

"Where could he be at this hour?" I ask, burying my head in his chest.

"I have no idea." He mutters. "We can't let him run free around town like that."


Taehyung takes a deep breath before saying, "Jimin can be pretty reckless when he's upset."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You don't know how he gets when his temper takes over him." He continues. "He just... gets out of control. He even used to take some type of tranquilizer back in the day in order to calm him down." My eyes widen in surprise to his words, and I look up at him with curiosity.

"What did he do?"

I can tell that Taehyung doesn't really want to talk about it, because it's a sensitive subject, but I need to know.

I want to know what kind of hurt he is.

I want to know if he's like him.

"I shouldn't be telling you this, because it's not my secret to tell" Taehyung begins saying and I listen carefully to every word. "But I don't want you to think that you've got a felon living in your apartment complex. Jimin isn't what you witnessed earlier. He's got his issues going just like all of us, but he reacts in a different manner."

"Alright," I can understand that.

"He would never hurt anyone intentionally. I mean, I still don't know what happened earlier because I went to prepare the car so maybe Sam mentioned something to you guys."

"Actually," I say lowly. "Evelyn cheated on Jimin with Sam."

When I complete the sentence, Taehyung's eyes widen like tennis balls. "Shit," he utters.

"Jimin found a shirt that belonged to her in his room."

He nods carefully then shoves his hands in his pockets. "Damn, no wonder why he's pissed."

"I know...you were saying something though."

"Right," he mutters. "So, Jimin's dad was an alcoholic. He'd never do anything around the house and that left his mother to take care of the bills and raising him. He'd spend most of his nights in the bars, gambling away every last penny he'd make, and that kind of lifestyle left a mark on him you know? They weren't particularly rich, but they made just enough money to make ends meet. Jimin liked sports and he liked engaging in extracurricular activities, so his mom made a deal with a close relative to practice kendo at their dojo." I nod eagerly as I wait for him to continue, and he crosses his arms against his chest. "When Jimin got older; old enough to understand exactly what is going on, he started lashing out on his old man when he'd get back home wasted out of his mind and let's just say that he gets triggered easily now."

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