"She okay?" Fiona asked, she had a worried look on her face but after Ivy nodded her mouth formed a smile.


Nobody was awake when Ivy woke up , she was thirsty from drinking the night before and waking up with some dehydrated mouth, so she went downstairs for a drink only to see Veronica on the sofa

"Hey." Veronica waved as she stayed spread out along the sofa.

"Hey, you okay?"Ivy asked as she poured her water and went to sit on the smaller sofa.

"No Kevins wife turned up last night, Fiona knows already but I feel like shit." She grunted, clearly feeling uncomfortable with some random lady being in her own house.

"He has a wife? Jesus well , I say you go talk to him. I mean it's probably not his fault his crazy ex wife showed up out of nowhere ." Ivy comforted her as she gulped her drink down in two sips.

"she's not his ex she's his wife, and you should have seen his face when he saw her. This house is so quiet." Veronica examined her house, shocked from how silent it could be when everyone's either asleep or just not home.

"Kids breakfast!" Fiona screamed , she had walked into the kitchen and had overheard half of the conversation that the pair were having.

"Jesus Fiona." Ivy laughed

"This shit is all in your head v." Fiona added "this house ain't quiet and she is not kevs wife. You are. Go talk to him."


"Can you describe the perp?" The police officer asked debs as the gallaghers stood spaced out in the kitchen.

When Fiona and Debbie went grocery shopping this pedo man started jacking off over Debbie and that's why the police officers crowded the Gallagher house.

"Red." Debbie replied, looking disgusted.

"Like sunburnt?" Lip asked, thinking she meant he was sunburnt considering it was summer.

"She's talking about his—," Ivy started to correct him.

"The guy debs." Ian interrupted Ivy "what did the guy look like , his face?"

"How are you supposed to see his face behind that giant red one eyed—-," Debbie cringed herself out.

"Got it," the police officer butted in before leaving the house with Fiona
Who then explained the details of the man better .


"Nice place you got here." A man said as he walked through the doors of the kash and grab , he caught Ian and ivys attention not Mickeys though

"What are you doing here?" Ian questioned him, looking almost worried for what could happen.

"Hey jimmys dad." Ivy butted in , he shot her a quick smile.

"I remember you! Ivy right?" She nodded "I was hungry Ian."

"So you drove all the way to the south side for a bag of chips?" Ian acted unimpressed, he didn't realise the lengths some of these men would go to just for some ginger teenager.

Ivy noticed that Mickey was aware of ned being in the shop and she started to worry that something bad was gonna happen.

" well a bag of chips and a ginger snap , I'm hoping. Keep the change" he smirked as he slid the counters over.

"He's working." Ivy pointed out , she couldn't bare to be left with Mickey at work.

"Well maybe later. Happy hour at the fountain." Ned suggested, Ivy could see Mickey getting wound up already.

"Yeah okay." Ian replied

Ned started to walk out of the shop but was stopped by Mickey blocking the way

"You got a receipt?" Mickey Grunted

Ivy then ripped out the receipt from the register and handed it to Ned so he could leave.

"That your grandpa?" Mickey teased, making Ivy snort.

"Nah just a guy I've been seeing." Ian admitted, being bold to Mickey was not something Ivy thought she'd ever see.

"Oh that's the guy you've been seeing . You guys like Picnic together ? Or gonna get a little dog with a fucking sweater?"

" no we don't picnic we mostly just fuck. Like you and Angie." The jealous ginger argued back.

"Damn." Ivy teased as she playfully slapped mickeys face a million times only to be punched in the stomach. "Asshole."


"What are you gonna do to him?" Ivy whispered to Mickey as he drank his beer occasionally passing it to Ivy for her to have a couple sips.

The two were currently spying on Ned and Ian which wasn't on ivys agenda but Mickey insisted on her coming just incase he got too mad.

"Not much." Mickey lied, he had a million different plans spiralling through his head.

"That's a lie." Ivy scoffed, she was starting to get a bit on edge.

"Damn right it is." He tossed his beer Can to the side and dragged Ivy over to the middle of the street with him to stand infront of Ned and Ian

"I promise Ned I have nothing to do with whatever's about to happen." Ivy surrendered her hands in the air.

"Ivy shut the fuck up." Mickey demanded

"What the hell are you doing here." Ian asked both Ivy and Mickey, he looked disappointed, not at Mickey but at Ivy for even being there and being in his gay business.

"Oh. From the store right? Come on Ian don't be rude invite your boyfriend back to my place the more the merrier , right?"

"I'm sorry what did you call me?" Mickey said before head butting Ned.

"Jesus Mickey!" Ivy gasped, holding her hands against the sides of her face in shock.

Mickey continued to punch and kick Ned and shout rude words towards him until the pedestrians started to call cops and then meant they had to cut.

"Come on!" Mickey yelled at Ivy and Ian who were checking on Ned "Gallagher! Milkovich!"

Then they all started sprinting away and down the closest alleyway to hide away from any cops that were nearby.

"What the fuck is wrong with you." Ian laughed as he paused to catch his breathe.

Then once again they all started running and play fighting at the same time, mickey picking Ivy up and running with her over his shoulder.

Their laughters could probably be heard throughout the whole of Chicago

Ivy milkovich Where stories live. Discover now