"What the hell was that about?" He questioned the girl.

"Wasn't too happy to hear about what happened this morning. How'd it go?" Ian asked before beginning to walk out of the building.

"Public defender thinks I can get off with community service if we take the laser back . underprivileged kid trying to gain access to equipment he doesn't have at his ghetto ass underfunded high school , thanks for bailing me out." Lip replied to Ian, he was being genuine about the thanks

"All Ivy , she used her dad's line of credit at bad bobs bonds." Ian passed all of the credit to Ivy, of course she was the one who actually paid.

"Miss a hearing and my dad will come after you will a linoleum knife and a bucket of battery acid." Ivy threatened, pointing her finger in his face before poking his sides

Lip then grabbed her waist once he got her fingers away from him and threw her over his shoulder, she fought as hard as she could but lip was strong and wasn't letter her down no matter how many times she wiggled.

"Lip I swear to god put me down!"

"Pretty weak for a milkovich" lip laughed as Ian walked alongside poking Ivy who was still over lips shoulder.


"Dinners served." Jimmy said as he placed the massive bowl of pasta on the table .

Everyone chatted and ate until the door opened well only Ivy stopped eating and chatting when she noticed frank standing in the doorway he had been missing for many many days but it's frank he always came back ... Ian then noticed ivys quietness and looked at frank then everyone looked at him .

"Daddy." Debbie whispered "daddy!!" She ran and hugged him then everyone else went back to chatting as nobody really gave a shit about frank.


"Run run run!" Ivy yelled as she ran with Carl and Ian into their bedroom blocking the door as they did so

"What's going on?" Fiona asked

"Frank drunk looking for a bed." Lip replied as he ran into his room.

"Who the hell let him?" Fiona yelled as she rushed to get to her room.

"Debbie." Everyone yelled back.

"We begged her not too." Ivy added

"I want my old bed back." Frank insisted as he stumbled up the stairs, drunk midday.

"Oh, hell, no!" Fiona called out as she went to block her door with the units in her room.

"Debs don't let frank in here anymore." Ivy scoffed at Debbie who had let frank crash on her bed

"It's his house too and Now he's back , excuse." Debbie pushed past Ivy and Ian who were infront of her.

"I'm hungry let's go." Ivy dragged Ian downstairs for food that Jimmy was making .

"Ivy put on some clothes please." Fiona begged , Ivy was currently just wearing a top and her underwear which to her wasn't a big deal since she was like family "Ian tell her-,"

"Not her keeper." Ian interrupted not wanting to tell Ivy what she can and can't wear especially after the glare Ivy had just given him.

Lip and Fiona then had an awkward conversation about the tax bill which wasn't paid as Fiona had put down a deposit for a club night which lip wasn't happy about at all.

"Debs Carl come on school time." Jimmy announced, he was always willing to drop the kids off that was one handy thing about having him around.

"The property tax is already 2 weeks late." Lip punched the side of his hand against the kitchen counter in distress.

"We are always two weeks late I'll have the money right after the party." Fiona went to rest her hand on lips back but he backed up.

"It wasn't yours to spend Fiona!" He stressed, thinking about how much money the family would actually have to live.

"Yes it was lip I earned it." Fiona was in disbelief, she felt like after all the years of looking after the family she couldn't even invest the money she made into something she thought got potentially gain them all more money but to everyone else she looked selfish.

"Oh that's how we are doing this now okay, I'll take the money I made and buy an iPad. Ian what are you gonna do with your paycheck? New leather jacket? Ivy? Some new clothes? Liam?" Lip argued.

"I have the opportunity to make some real money lip." Fiona protested.

"It's not that easy ." Lip huffed, knowing he would have the beat down of Fiona's mood swings when her party promotion club thing didn't go well.

"I've been in the club business a long time." Fiona stated as if she hadn't been bunny hopping between jobs.

"Sure slinging cocktails okay? Look you don't know shit about promoting a party."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence lip," Fiona then walked away

"Good one guys." Ivy stuck her thumbs up.

Ivy milkovich Where stories live. Discover now