"Your dad?" Lip mumbled.

She turned the shot gun towards lip "another word and I'll blow your brains all over the fucking linoleum."

The boys went to leave but Ian stayed for a bit longer.

"So... when'd you get home?" Ian asked hinting towards answers for what had just happened.

"I haven't left the house in ages ian. He drinks and mistakes me for mum. This isn't the first time and for sure won't be the last." Ivy wiped her tears.

"You gonna keep it?" Ian asked, he was staring weirdly at Ivy and she didn't like it.

"I'm not sure . Also watch the look on your fucking face , a Gallagher looking down on me no thank you ." She warned, desperate to get her point across.

Ian then pulled her in for a very sudden hug one that wasn't expected.

"I love you ivy." Ian whispered as he hugged her tight.

Ivy quickly pulled back from the hug with the fattest smile on her face

"That's the first time you've said it!" She grinned.

"One time thing." He joked

"Get out." She pushed him out the door and waved goodbye at lip.


Thanksgiving (yous know what's coming)

"Woah! Since when could Kevin cook." Ivy teased , Kevin has placed the fattest Turkey down for everyone to eat .

"Wow baby that looks so good." Veronica congratulated Kevin on his 10/10 cooking skills.

"You okay?" Ivy heard Ian ask Monica who looked oddly pale and sick.

"Hold hands." Frank insisted "dear lord thank you for this food that were about to eat thank you for bringing my Monica back to me and please make my brother Clayton burn in hell for all eternity . Amen."

"Amen" everyone smiled as they dug into the food .

Everyone was chatting away expect Monica who had randomly stood up

"I'm gonna go wash my hands." She whispered to Ivy before leaving to go into the kitchen.

The chatting continued for ages , Debbie had invited Conrad over which was the homeless dude from the pool and everyone invited him in with open arms as they dished up the food.

"What was that?" Fiona asked , there was clattering coming from the kitchen . She got up to check what it was

"Holy fuck." Kevin's mouthed dropped making everyone run over to see what the problem was

"Give me a phone ! Now!" Fiona yelled

"Come on guys upstairs." Veronica led debs and Carl away from the scene

Ivy stood there staring at Monica who laid on the floor , blood pouring everywhere . It reminded her of something that happened in the uk many years ago.


"Ivy!" Her mum screamed

"Coming." Ivy called back thinking nothing of it.

"Get mummy some paper towels." Her mum begged as she tried her hardest to cover up what was happening,  to her 6 year old daughter.

"What's happened to aunt Lucy mummy why is she bleeding everywhere?" She asked her mum who stood guarding her auntie who was on the floor almost unconscious

"Aunt Lucy's had a trip and she needs some paper towels that's all go get them baby." She asked in hopes that Ivy would quickly go and get them.

"Okay mummy." Ivy smiled before walking to get the paper towels.

'End of flashback'

Her aunt never tripped , she did what Monica had just done and the realisation had just hit.

"Ivy." Ian shook her shoulders as she looked zoned out and pale.

"Holy shit aunt Lucy." Ivy panicked, turning around to avoid seeing Monica on the floor.

"Who's aunt Lucy Ivy?" Ian swiftly moved to be in front of Ivy .

"This happened years ago . I feel sick Ian I'm gonna be sick." She ran to the downstairs bathroom and chucked up which wasn't pleasant

"Ivy let me in." Ian knocked on the door , she unlocked it to see Ian in floods of tears She hugged him tightly

"Happy thanksgiving ." She muttered.


Went from being traumatised over Monica to standing around Karen who was giving birth. Of course like always Ivy got dragged there .

Everyone cheered as the baby popped out , Ivy noticed that it didn't look like lip at all but kept quiet and cheered with everyone else .

"He has Down syndrome." Fiona spoke up making everyone stare hardly at the baby.

"Yeah and he's Asian." Lip scoffed, Ivy had called it months ago that it wasn't going to be lips baby she just didn't really say anything.

"Maybe we are just looking at him upside down." Kev joked

"What the fucj karen I thought you said it was Mine." Lip raised his voice

"I screwed Timmy wong as much as I screwed you lip you're nothing special."

"Well another great thing to add to tonight . I'm out." Ivy walked out of the room to many bodies in there it was too cramped for her liking

"Come on milkovich let's go home." Fiona patted her back before walking ahead.

Ivy milkovich Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang