Part 36- Romantic Romanian

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December 20th the day in which me and Seb celebrated our christmas early. Technically yes but also no. I was woken up in the morning with Seb kneeling down at the end of the bed, a smile plastered across his face.

' good morning beautiful'

' morning Seb' i smiled at him, the sun light hitting the side of my face. Holding my hand across my eye to protect myself from the morning rays.

' I have something for you '

I tilted my head to the side seeing his smirk grow even more. He pulled out an envelope before leaving and going into the bathroom. Slowly I opened up the letter seeing only one piece of card with a few handwritten words.

Go to the fridge

Climbing out of bed i throw a jumper on over my t-shirt and put on a pair of Sebastians joggers before making my way into the kitchen, hearing the shower turning on. Another envelope was positioned in the fridge, leaning up against some cabbage. The front envelope saying

Noi suntem

Once opening the letter i read the next few words written from Seb.

My beautiful girl go to the tv

After following the little scavenger hunt from Seb I opened up what I presume was the final letter which told me to go back into the walk in wardrobe. I shouted Seb expecting him to be sat on our bed but he wasn't, the bed still unmade from when I left. The shower was off and he wasn't in the bathroom either. I rolled my eyes and continued my walk to the walk in wardrobe.

And there was my man. Stood up behind my large grey suitcase holding a Romanian flag in his left hand, his right hand holding onto another envelope. I took the envelope out of his hand once he gave it to me.

My beautiful girl. Pack your bags ( I already have ) and get ready because tonight we are flying out to Romania to spend the winter holiday. Just you and me. Unfortunately Oreo will have to stay with Chris. 4 hours until we fly so lets go!

I looked up from the note, one of the widest smiles I have ever had spread across my face. I truly did have the best boyfriend I could ever wish for. Wrapping my arms around him as I hugged him tightly hoping he would understand how thankful I was. The whole idea was wonderful. I would get to spend time in his home country, seeing where he was brought up, trying new foods. And most importantly spending Christmas with the man I love.

"I truly don't deserve you '' ignoring my comment he pulled away placing a kiss on my fire had then my lips.

'' doll we really should get going. Chris is on his way to get Oreo, and our ride will be here in 15 minutes'' finally unraveling myself from him, I placed a small peck on his lips leaving the walk in wardrobe and into the bedroom to get the final essentials for the trip t o go in my bag.


The fight was long. I looked around the plane seeing everyone was asleep, apart from myself. My head was resting on Sebs shoulder whilst we were watching a film, however when I looked over he was asleep himself, letting out ever so quiet snores. His chest rose slowly and he was so peaceful. No worries in the world to mess with him, and no one around us, so we could be a real couple. His arm was wrapped around me his hand resting on my arm which was rubbing slow circles before he had drifted asleep.

I hadn't been paying any attention to the film for the last 30 minutes, I wasn't even too sure as to what I we were watching. The air host was slowly walking down the aisles with a trolly full of snacks and food to any passengers that were awake. Once he had gotten to me I had got a bottle of water for us both and a bottle of lemonade.

Time had passed yet he still hadn't woken up from his slumber. I tried to sleep, but my body wouldn't turn off. My mind was filled with too many thoughts. I had been given such an amazing present and yet the back of my mind thought that it was some sort of manipulation. I know that isn't in Sebs nature and he never would, but I couldn't help my mind but wonder. And that's when the anxiety hit me. My breathing increased causing a pain in my chest to become worse, bouncing my leg in a hope to not only calm myself down but to distract myself. I tried to do everything my therapist had told me when I felt like this, try and take control of my breathing but I couldn't. I pulled myself away from seb in a hope it would help. Leaning back trying to sit up right as I tried to steady my breathing, to no hope.

''Y/n y/n are you okay'' I heard Sebs raspy voice speak from beside me. A tear rolled down my face and he turned me to face him grabbing my hand in his. ''Y/n look at me and concentrate on my breathing. Copy me okay?'' I nodded. Every inhale he took I copied and every exhale I repeated. His hand still holding men as his thumb rubbed circles bringing me back out of my anxious state. After what felt like an eternity, i stopped feeling so anxious.

"What happened?''

"I don't know. Than thank you Seb" i smile, learning over connecting our lips together.

"We will be starting our decent shortly. Please put away all your belongings in over head compartments. And fasten your seatbelts.''the voice spoke over the speakers waking up all resting passengers


The apartment that Seb had booked for us to stay in was breathtaking. As soon as you would open the door to the place, we were greeted by a large spacious white living room, with a large l shaped couch in the centre. Situated to the left was an attached kitchen with brown wooden stools that were attached to the counter. A staircase on the right, leading up to a small balcony that looked over the living room which happened to be our bedroom. A king size bed with a black blanket, and a 50 inch tv at the foot of the bed, a black wardrobe behind for us to put our belongings away.

As soon as i had put my suitcase away i collapsed onto the bed burying my had into the pillow. Feeling a hand rest on my back i turned around to see seb now sat on the bed next to me, but his attention turned to his phone.

'Sebastian " i speak up his attention now brought onto me '' i love you '' my voice quieter than normal. A smile played across his lips. He leaned in connection our lips in a deep passionate kiss. As the kiss got slightly heated he pulled away resting his head on mine, our eyes looking into each others. ''I love you too doll'

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