Part 15 - Christmas shopping

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Being back home finally i threw my suitcase in my bedroom, running a hot bath to contradict with the weather outside. I turned the heating on in my apartment, as it had been off since ive been away filming.

I have never been so thankful that i had cleaned my house spotless before i left, it just makes such a big change. The water soon became a mix of blues and purple from the bath bomb i had placed in.

Stripping from my clothes i climbed into the steaming hot water which was just the way i liked it. Putting on my relaxing music from my phone i placed kt on the side whilst i let myself drift into a day dream.

Everything for once seemed to stand still. For the first time in a year i was able to breathe and nkt feel trapped. Nothing to weighe me down, i didnt blame myself for the baby, i didnt blame tom. Obviously it still hurt and i think it always will but it wont stop me.

I jumped when i heard Sebastians voice from my apartment door shouting. As though seeming to try and find me. Was he already in here?

Sebastians pov

I had come around to visit y/n like Evans had asked me. J was currently knocking kn her front door getting no response when I remembered where she kept a hidden key incase she lost hers whilst she was out.

I lifted up the plant pot digging jn the soil finally finding the small silver key. I wiped off the excess and placed it in the slot turning the door allowing myself access.

'Y/n !' I shouted to which I received no response. I looked in every room , noticing her suitcase in her room. Being as quiet as possible i listened and could hear the faint sound of music coming from her bathroom.

'Y/n are you in there' i asked knocking on the door.

' yeah whats up?'
' thank god doll. Nothing ill be out here take your time '

I left her in peace as i made my way back into the living area turning the tv on.

Y/n pov
I heard his footsteps fade away and i continued to relax in my bath for a while longer. It wasnt until i saw that my fingers and toes were now wrinkly from the water that i decided to get out.

Wrapping one towel around my chest and another around my hair i entered my bedroom pulling out my standard joggers and hoodie. I joined Seb in my living room still with the towel on my head for it to absorb some of the water.

'Ive missed you doll' he said looking up from his phone, his arms out for me to hug him which i gladly accepted. ' how was Chris'' He asked seeming genuinely curious.

' good ive missed him and dodger'
He smiled and. I could see something in his mind working away.
' what?'
' would you like to cone out doll?. We can do som shopping and get some food. And maybe start decorating uour house, wheres your Christmas tree y/n?'
I nodded my head climbing up off him to get ready.

I got dressed into black jeans and a white knitted sweater, paired with my black timberland boots and my winter coat. I dried my hair and placed it in a high pony tail putting a hat over me to make sure i kept warm.

' ready' i asked him as we walked to my door and grabbed his coat throwing it at him.


The streets of manhatten were filled full of people doing their christmas shopping ready for the year. I had literally bought no ones presents which is not like me at all.

We decided to get food together consudering we both hadnt eaten yet.

' what would you like doll?'
' is it bad if i say a hotdog' he chuckled shaking his head as we found a hotdog van, buying us both one.
'Thank you'

We sat down on a bench to eat, whilst we watch a few people pass by.
' about prague and us' i finally say looking at him.
He looked at me confused about what i should say. ' i really do care about you, but its a matter of right person wrong time. The situation with tom is still too raw for me and i cant. Im battling with mental demons in my head and its not fair to bring you into with me'

' I understand. I will always be here for you. ' he pulls me in for a hug ' come on doll lets get going'

He pulled me up from my seat pulling me along the streets to start shopping.


The day was coming to an end, the sun setting over the horizon. Both of my hands full of bags as i carried them to the elevatir of my apartment building, with seb following closely behind me.

I made myself a cup of tea offering one to seb which he declined saying he needed to head home. As i say goodbye my mood begins to drop which i didnt want to make aparent but obviously he realaied.

' doll wahts the matter?'
' its stupid '
' nothing is stupid doll'
' i just i feel slightly lonely, ive never really lived by myself '

As stupid as it sounds, yes maybe im 27 and it may be stupid that i havent ever lived by myself, but i moved out of my mums house when i was 22 moving in with one of ny best friends in the uk. I met Tom when i was 23 and we became offical when i was 24. After a year of us dating i moved out of mine and my friends aprtment moving in with him.

And then unfortunately we split, meaning i got a place of my own but i was always busy going to work. So the lonelyness had only recently hit me, at christmas when familys are together and celebrating, yet i coukdnt see mine for another 3 weeks.

Seb stayed with me for a little as we cuddled on the couch until he really had to go. I got myself changed and tucked myself into bed falling asleep to brooklyn 99 on netflix.

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