Part 7 - My Story

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I took my final bow with my cast mates on stage, looking into the audience seeing a full standing ovation. It was my 6th week performing in the hit broadway show Hamilton.

I was loving every minute of it, my first week of perfomring was my birthday, i didtn really celebrate as my full attention was on the show, i didnt want to make any mistakes and to show good impression.

Once i was changed out of the corset i exited the stage doors seeing a crowd of fans all waiting to take photos and accept signatures from the cast.

' you were amazing ' a girls boice spoke as she handed me a playbill to sign

' thank you' i signed the playbill and continued along the line.

I heard a few questions being shouted at me regarding Tom but i decided to ignore them. I wouldnt say i was over it persay, the situation didnt cause me to go as low as normal. Performing on stage again gave me time to finally process the situation and adapt to my new life.

Thats when i seen the 6 foot male stood at the back of the crowd. I could feel his blue eyes staring into my soul behind his sunglasses. Short pieces of his brunette hair peaking out of his cap.

Once i finish signing all the playbills and taking photos with fans i make my way out of thr crowd and meet Seb who is holding a bunch of flowers in his hand.

'These are for you'

' what for' i ask as we start walking away towards a cab.

' we still haven't celebrated you getting the role. And you were amaizng better than i expected'

Why on earth did he not tell me he was coming to watch me. He has been super busy recently so i wouldnt have been upset if he bever came to see me. We called a cab over getting it to my apartment.

' so what do you want to do to celebrate' his attention no longer on the lights outside.

'Anything im just glad to see you'

We arrive outside my apartment building and i pay the cab driver, picking up the flowers from seb off the seat.

' help yourself to anything '

I had a variety of wines, gins and rums stored in a cupboard. I had always enjoyed a drink, it would help me to wind down. Sebastian and I had become comfortable with eachother, to the point we treated eachothers home like a sdcond home.

Tom x

Hi Tom, I want to let people know
We lost the baby. I think it might
Help me, especially with people
Asking alot about the pair of us.

Do what makes you happy y/n
I will support you. Just make sure
Its what you want the world to know

I smile placing my screen phone down on the counter.

' is everything okay?'

I take a sest brining my knee up to my chest wrapping my arms around and placing my chin on my knee.

' do you think if its stupid that i tell everyone i had a miscarriage?'

I wanted to ask Sebastian. He would give me his honest opinion, and he was an outsider to mine and toms relationship so he might have a new perspective.

' honestly no. People may stop asking you so many questions. But if you do just be prepared for negative comments to come. You know what people are like '

I pour us both a glass of red wine and we sit in my living room, ordering chinese food to come whilst we put on jurrasic park.


' hello everyone ' i start the video, sitting in-front of the camera which was positioned on my desk, whilst i sat on my chair, legs crossed.

'I wanted to give you all a bit of an explanation. As some of you may be aware me and Tom split a few month's ago. Before any one starts speculating as to why, which well alot of you already have and i want to adress these rumours. Tom did not cheat on me, he cares way to much and it is not his personality to hurt anyone. We split becuase unfortunately we just started to drift apaet.'

I wipe a tear before it falls down my cheek

' however, that is not the reason i am making this video today. I want to talk about a topic which is something that is normal and yet i dont think it is spoken about alot. During mine and Toms relationship, i got pregnant. We were both very excited until I had a miscarriage, meaning we lost our child. I blamed myself, which did take me a while to realsiee that it wasnt my fault and these things are normal. '

The tears fell again. I tried to wipe them without it looking pathetic. I looked into the camera seeing that my eyes were bloodhot red. I took in a deep breath , and continued with the video.

' what im saying is, youre not alone. I have been attending therapy which has helped me, it doesnt mean i am weak, it doesnt mean i cant cope. I am still human, and this is all part of life. '

I end the video. Thinking wether i should edit it or not. But then i relaise that it doesnt matter if it is or not. I post the video and then get into the shower. seb had left an hour ago to sleep ready for his busy rehersal day tomorrow. I decided i should do the same, as i had a 2 show day


The support from the video was incredible. There was obviously a few negative comments about mine and Toms relationship but to be honest, it didnt phase me. I have gained a tougher skin the past few months and i refused to let trolls get to me.

Friends to lovers  - Sebastian Stan x fem!reader Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora