Part 9 - Troja Bridge

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What a beautiful city. All the streets were filled with people smiling, as they went stall to stall in the markets. The buildings that created the square were truly unique, each one different to the other.

' y/n look at this' Seb pulled me over to a jewlwey stall, all with a variety of different pieces. A beautiful simple silver ring with a red garnet stone in the centre, took my attention straight away.

Before i could ask the man on the stall to have a closer look Mackie pulled me away to get a photo with him. Reluctantly i agreed, i didnt look great but it was Mackie and i know he wouldnt stop until i said yeah.

By the time i had returned back to the stall the ring was gone, i was gutted i wanted to get it for myself.

Arms wrapping around my waist and a chin on my shoulder broke me from my thought.

' y/n you coming?' I heard seb once again ask me.

'Yeah sorry i was lost in thought'

' whats up?'

' just the ring i saw earlier. I wanted to get it but its gone'

' im sorry doll, is there no others you like'

I shake my head finally turning around to face him

' lets go' he let go of me and we left the market stalls heading to our hotel just 10 minute walk away.


We had been filming for 6 days now and to be honest i was starting to get tired, so i can only imagine the boys are worse than me. Today we were filming scenes for episode 3, specifically on the Troja Bridge.

Whilst we were waiting to film, we all had our jackets on as it was now night time and it was getting colder. I snapped a picture of the 3 of us, me Makcie and Seb on the bridge with the water behind us and the lights reflecting upon the water.

'Seb' I asked him

' yes?'

' when do i get my surprise?'

Mackie stood between both of us with a smile plastered upon his face. I glare at him trying to get any sort of information out of him, but he just pretends to zip his lips and throw away a key into the water.

' you're going to need that for filming' i said smugly.

'Look over there' Seb pointed to the building on my right hand side that was in the distance with lights shining down each side of the structure. He wrapped his arms around me again the same as what he did last week and moved his mouth close to my ear.

' later you and me will have a meal there. To celebrate everything' i could feel a smile start to form on my lips.

Was this a date?. To be honest i would be happy for it to be, we had grown really close the past few months but is it too soon? Me and tom split up 8 months ago how would he feel about this? What am i saying is Seb even planning it to be a date?

' as in a date.... Or friends?' I finally as my voice shaking as i got nervous for the response.

' as in what ever you want it to be' i turned around to face him, staring into his beautiful blue eyes.

' will you two just accept its a date already so i can have my sexy sea bass back'

I laughed pressing my head against Sebs chest and he brought me into a tighter hug.

' a date it is then' he says pressing a kiss to me head before we both pulled away so they could shoot the scene.


What do you wear when you haven't packed for a date?. All my clothes were jeans or joggers and tops. No dresses what the fuck am i supposed to do. Seb said he was going to pick me up in 2 hours , by pick me up he means knock on my hotel door, which means i don't have time to go out shopping .

That's when i heard a knock on my door. shit did i get the times wrong i thought to myself. Opening the door I see Mackie standing there with a bag in his hand.

' Seabass told me to give you this' he handed the bag over.

' thank you '

' enjoy yourself. And don't break him' he winks at me before walking away causing me to giggle at his remark.

As i opened the bag i saw an envelope folded on top of the dress.

I understand if you don't want to wear this dress, that's entirely up to you i just thought i would give you the option. You could wear sweats and a hoodie and i would love to take you out, but unfortunately the restaurant has a dress code. I love forward to seeing you tonight doll

Sebastian x

I place the card to the side and pull out the slick black dress. As i hung it up i could see the details in it more prominently. A large slit went up the right hand side stopping mid way up the thigh.

I turned my attention to my make up and created a natural look with a red and black smoky eye. Adding to it, i applied a red lipstick and a peach highlighter to my cheeks.

I curled my hair putting half of it into a pony and pulling our a few strands at the front of my face.


As i looked in the mirror with my dress now on, i felt amazing. The material of the dress allowed it to accentuate my figure which i rarely show off. I paired the outfit with some black heels i had brought along and a silver bag.

I opened my door to see Seb stood in a full black suit, and i mean full the shirt and everything. He embraced me in a hug and i took in his cologne which was like heaven.

' you look beautiful as always doll'

' you don't look to bad yourself' he smiled putting his hand out for me to hold, which i gladly accept.

' I'm glad to see you wearing the dress i got you' he spoke as we walked down the hallways to the lift.

' its beautiful you really didn't have to'

' but i wanted to' the lift dinged and we entered being the only 2 in here as we waited for it to reach the ground level.

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