Part 4 - The Late Late show

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' y/n ' i hear downey shout me from the lobby ' good of you to finally join us'

I smile at him rolling my eyes. We hadn't told anyone that i got my own room, i didn't really want to tell everyone at the moment, and I'm certain Tom doesn't either.

' Are we getting breakfast' Scarlett asked breaking whatever tension there was in the air.


Pancakes with strawberries have always been my comfort food especially of a morning, so obviously i got that. I was sat opposite Tom who every so often gave me a slight smile.

I was halfway through my plate when it hit me. Suddenly going very hot and light headed. I stood up and began walking to the toilet, trying to walk quickly without going too quick that id fall over.

I sat on the floor next to the toilet, not hygienic but look at me. Does it look like i care? Catching my breath from my previous date with the toilet. I flushed away my inside's' great empty stomach again' i thought to myself before standing up using the wall to help me up.

Looking at my own reflection in the mirror, i could be a ghost with how pale i had gone. I splashed water on my face and met my friends back in the restaurant.

' I'm sorry to cut it short but i need to get back. Im really not feeling well' i announce to the table seeing them all still tucking into their food.

' ill make sure you get back safe.' Tom announced standing up ' I've finished anyway'

We bid our farewells to the group and left for our hotel rooms. He had put his arm around me to stop me from falling every time i would go light headed.

We made it back into my hotel room. Tom gave me my space to get changed into my pyjamas so i could sleep. I wrapped the duvet around me when Tom walked in with a cup and tablets in his hand.


' I'm fine Tom just...'

' I'm not asking. Just take them please ' he gave me puppy eyes. I grabbed them swallowing the tablets

' happy ' i asked sarcastically which i received a fake smile from him.

He sat on the bed his upper body twisted to face me, his hand stroking my hair, quietly humming.
I loved it when he would hum to me, it helped me sleep.

' can you stay for a-bit please' i didn't regret asking him one bit.

' are you sure?' I nodded. He stood up leaving me on the bed. Fuck sake i thought, but i instantly retreated that thought when he entered with a bucket putting it next to me . And then climbing into bed next to me.

I rolled over resting my head on his chest and his hand found its way back up to my hair stroking it once again as he let out beautiful hums. Causing my eyes to close and me to fall into a deep sleep.


I woke up in my cozy bed but without Tom. I turned to the pillow seeing he had left me a note.

Sorry darling, i needed to go and get ready for the interview. I take it you wont be joining just get some rest.

I still love you
Tom xx

I turned on the tv in my room seeing that the late late show with James Corden would be starting shortly. I turned on the channel and waited for James to introduce the show, which quickly came by .


' so unfortunately we were supposed to also be joined by y/n today but she is ill so has had to step out of todays show' james announced to the audience.

' do you think she will be watching ' he asked turning to my cast members

All of them nodded their heads and James turned to the camera.

' well i hope you recover soon y/n ' I smile and continue watching the show.

It was like any other interview really questions were asked about the upcoming film and many jokes were shared with the cast obviously. Tom showed off his talents playing the spoons.

The show had finished and i turned the tv off falling asleep once again.


Buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz

I opened my phone answering the call.

' how you feeling doll?'

Doll. That could only be one person.

' feeling better than before'

' thats good to hear. Everyones going out if you want to join us'

' i think i will skip but thank you'

' i thought you might say that. So can you let me in please?'

' what.?'

' let me in I'm stood here looking like an idiot outside your hotel room'

I laugh ' one second'

I hang up the phone and climb out of bed throwing a hoodie over myself. I walk through my hotel room eventually reaching the door opening it up to see Sebastian sat opposite his back resting against the wall.

' took your time' i laugh letting him in.

' what are you doing here?' I ask the man

' well its not fair you being by yourself. So i thought i would come and join you. '

I smile at him ' well thank you'

He makes himself a drink and i once again sit on one of the chairs located on my balcony, but this time grabbing a blanket to make sure i didnt get cold.

' why do you get a balcony and i don't' i hear him ask as he takes a seat next to me.

'Only the best are entitled to one' i smile at him looking back out at the streets beneath.

A few minutes pass by before i finally speak up.

' Seb can i talk to you about me and Tom please. And don't judge me'

Friends to lovers  - Sebastian Stan x fem!reader Where stories live. Discover now