Part 12 - Chris Evans

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The cold crisp air of Boston was something i had really missed. Dont get me wrong being in new york at winter was magical but being in Boston was amazing.

Chris had promised to pick me up from the airport today, he had my flight details so he could track my plane. Currently i was waiting for my suitcase on the conveyer belt, with my fellow passengers.

Seb flew out to Greece yesterday to start filming for a new film and Anthony had gone back home for a few weeks. The creators had given us November and decemeber off and we would continue our filming in January.

I saw my light blue suitcase and picked it up almost immediately, rolling it through the doors of arrivals as i searched for Chris in the airport. After a while i couldnt see him so i walked out onto the street which was covered with snow when i felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

Without thinking i turn punching the person in the face, laughing when i realise who it was.

' y/n jesus ! Its just me'

I see Chris stood there with his hand covering his cheek where i had just connected my fist with his face.

' shit im so sorry i didnt know who it was'

Thanfully he found the humour in the situation. I grabbed his hand so i could look at his face to make sure i hadnt left any damage to him.

' come on lets go' trying to destract me from his face nkt wanting to make a fuss he grabbed my suitcase walking towards his car.

As soon as i got in i took his ohone opening it, knowing he wouldnt have changed his passcode and put on his car journey playlist staring the hour journey to his home.

The journey consisted of him asking me how filming was going and the pair of us singing our hearts out without a regard for the people that would hear us as we drove past.

I felt my ohone buzz in my pocket seeing that i had a missed message from both Anthony and Seb.

Landed safely. Tell chris i said hi!

Did you land safely doll ? X

I have chris has picked me up x

I turned my focus back to chris as i watched him focus on the road ahead.

' mackie says hi'

I informed him. He told me he said hi back but i wasnt going to tell mackie that i wasnt being a third person in a conversation.

We finally pulled up to Chris' house and i rushed to his front door taking his house key off him. As soon as the door flung open dodger bolted towards me, i kneeled down to hug him god i loved this dog so much.

Shortly after chris had entered holding my suitcase in one hand and his phone in the other filming me as i was lying on the floor with dodger lying ontop of me kissing my face as we played.

'. And here ladies and gentlemen. I havent seen y/n in months and dodger gets a bigger hug than me'

I hear chris speak to his phone which i can only presume is for an instagram story. I finally managed to get dodger up off me and i joined Evans in his kitchen where he had made me a cup of earl grey.

'Did you buy this just for me? ' i asked him knowing full well he doesnt drink it himself, to which he just smiled and raised his eyebrows.

I took a sip of the beautiful drink which filled me with warmth, reminding me of home. He had turned the fire on as we both sat in his living room with a blanket around the pair of us. Next to me i had dodger cuddled up next to me as he burried himself im our blanket.

' are you seeing your mum this christmas ?'

He asked me. I hadnt seen my family for a while. I havent really spoken to them alot with being extremely busy, which i felt guilty for. I was wanting to fly out back to england. But then it hit me that my mum has always wanted to visit new yoek at christmas.

' i dont know i havent spoken to her much recently. ' i finally admitted to the man sat across from me.

' why?'

' since me and tom split i got worried she might be dissapointed. Especially my nan they loved tom. '

i started to fill up slightly. Its not like i wasn't supported by my family its just i lost their grandchild and as a result i ended things with my only partner they have ever liked.

'Y/n they wont be disappointed in you for that!' He said almost annoyed that i thought of it ' they will understand why you both split. Everything happens for a reason'

I smile up at him. What did i do to deserve such an amazing friend.

' how are you feelling now with it all hows therapy going?'

' good. I havent seen her for a little while, but its gotten better. I just worry you know what if it happens again'

' unfortunately thats something you cant control. But try not to worry about it now worry about what you have in the present not the future'

He gets up off his seat and joins me on the couch opening up his arm for me to cuddle into him, earning a grunt fro dodger as he had to move, from next to me to now on Chris' lap. I wrapped my arm around dodge giving him a light hug.


We spent the rest of the day chilling by the fire, neither of us wanting to go out in the winter weather.  Plus the jet lag was starting to get to me. I had fallen asleep on the couch and when i woke up i was joined by just dodger whos body was cuddled into my legs.

I moved myself sitting up shouting chris but earned no response. I picked my phone ho kf the coffee table and decided to call him.

' hello?' I heard his voice down the speaker
' where are you?'
'Ive just gone on i am 5 min away i will see you soon'
' okay ' i hung up the phone. And grabbed my computer out of my bag from the hallway.

Flights from london heathrow to new york jfk

I searched on my laptop trying to find flights for my mum and nan in December. Whilst engrossed in my searching i didnt hear chris come into the living room throwing a bag of sweets at me, making me jump.

' where the fuck did you go?' I asked him slightly annoyed still at the fact he just scared me.

' i went to get food and ' he held out a bag for me. I placed my computer to the side taking it off him.

I looked inside seeing a few sets of long sleved pyjamas and a few pairs of bed socks. Also in the bag contianed a bar of chocolate and hot chocolate. He handed me another bag, after quick inspection i saw he had bought me clothes.

' whats this for?'
' well your staying here for abit and i doubt you have any clean clothes '
' you really didnt have to'
He smiled at me and i wrapped my arms around his neck giving him a hug.

He had also brought in Chinese take away food , guessing that he also didnt want to cook food.

I contiued back on my computer booking the flights for the 21st of December to 29th of December so my mum and nan could visit

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