Part 26 - the late show with Jimmy Fallon

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' hello hello hello and welcome back to the show. Today we will be joined by the cast of the new hit Marvel series, the falcon and the Winter Soldier! So please welcome, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie and Y/n l/n '

The crowd erupted into roars of cheer as the three of us joined Jimmy in front of the cameras. Both the boys wearing suits whilst myself I wore a red jumpsuit with long sleeved, with a reviewing cut showing part of my cleavage.

Mackie obviously absorbing all of the crowds cheers as I follow shortly behind Seb making our way over to the couch. I was sat between seb who sat closest to Jimmy, letting Mackie sit on my right.

' its great to have the 3 of you back on again.'

' its great to be here ' i spoke for us all.

' if I remember correctly the last time you all were on the show was before the premiere of Endgame.' We nodded our heads in agreement with what he was saying. ' and what a great film that was ' he turned to the audience who all agreed. ' and now you have your own show'

' its been fun to film, it's been a real experience, and working with both y/n and Mackie has made the whole journey so much better'

' I feel like I've been some sort of third wheel through the whole process ' i spoke up, Mackie putting his hand over the couch behind me to grab Seb, who joined his hand with Anthony's. Oblivious to what was going on behind me, i continued. ' every time I tried to spend time with one of them, the other would be there. You truly cannot get one without the other'

The interview went in for a little longer, Jimmy asking questions about the series, and we reviled as much as we could.

'I think its safe to say that you know a lot about each other. But how much? We are going to be playing a game of never have I ever. ' he passed us 2 panels each one saying i have one with i have not ' for those who don't know how to play. I will ask a question, if you have done it you show the i have. And if you haven't you show I have not'

' oh god ' I roll my eyes getting slightly nervous.

' ok shall we start.... Never have I ever lied about being sick to get out of work'

Both Seb and Mackie show their answers as I have but I have not.

'Really?' Anthony turns to me

' yeah I actually enjoy my work '

' ok never have I ever kissed another co star outside of the set' we all look at eachother in and turn to say I have.

' who ?' ' Seb and Mackie both refuse to say.

' y/n ' Jimmy questions me

' I was dating Tom. Of course I have ' i deadpan ' plus when you have a drink you may kiss your friends ' i laugh smiling at Anthony.

'Oh no I am not being part of your rumours' Mackie pushes me slightly making everyone laugh.

' that's right. Y/n I wanted to ask. Are any of the rumours that concern you actually true?' Jimmy asks me making me think of what has been said.

' if I'm being honest Jimmy. I don't tend to pay attention to what is said in the media. It's how I don't let peoples xomments get to me. Anything that is said gets sent through the group'

' its funny really' Seb speaks up ' Mackie Evans and myself will be talking about articles published, and when she finally responds, she is so clueless' his voice quietness down and he mumbles ' its cute' only just loud enough for me to hear.

' finally never have I ever. Had a crush on a constant.... Y/n this doesn't include Tom' he winked at me and I thought wether I should answer truly.

Me and Seb both turn our panels to say I Have. The whole audience gasp in shock, trying to connect dots that it was the two of us. They were right of course, but we couldn't let them know that, not just yet.

The interview ended, allowing us to go back into the lounge as we discussed whether to go out for drinks. All agreeing that we didn't want to go the bar, so we decided to go to Sebs as he lived closest.

Mackie met us at the studio, whereas me and Seb drove here together. The journey was quiet but perfect, his hand intertwined with mine as he drove through the streets, every now and then his hand would grip the gear stick to change but his grip never left mine. It was attractive. My phone buzzed and I saw looking that Anthony messaged he was at Sebs. He had let himself in with the spare key.

' you know, the internet is going to go crazy with todays interview.' Seb shot me a confused look ' with us both saying we had a crush. People will connect dots, especially if we don't talk about it and keep spending time with each other '

' its okay doll we'll sort it. We can tell Mackie and Evans I'm sure they'll help. ' he gave me a reassuring smile as he stopped the car, parked outside his apartment. ' since when are you bothered about the media. '

' I care about you Seb. I don't want the internet getting into my head or yours about it.' He leaned over to me kissing me in what I think was a way to reassure me.


A glass of wine in my hand, Seb on my left with Mackie on my right and Evans on FaceTime, who also had a glass of wine joining us in the evening drinks.

' wait so let me get this straight ' Chris started. ' you and Sebastian are together. For how long ?'

' 6 weeks so please don't say anything to anyone '

' I won't don't worry. So what do you need me to do'

' its going to sound strange. But can we try and make the media think we're some what of a thing. It will help take the attention of anything from me and Seb becoming public, just for a few weeks. Mackie said he would but you and me are closer so It would make more sense'

Seb wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him and i rest my head on his shoulder. I did feel really close to him, I felt protected it made me feel secure and finally at peace.

' of course I will. I'm happy for the two of you'

' thank you man' Seb responded and we all had a drink.

We spent the rest of the night just catching up with Mackie. Laughs filled the room, surprisingly none of us had had much to drink. Myself only a glass of wine, no where near enough to be tipsy. Anthony left about and hour later just leaving me and Seb, who I had wanted to rip his shirt off him as soon as I got in the car with him.

And now I could. He closed the door after saying goodbye to Mackie, me stood shortly behind him with a Devilish smirk across my face, as i made my way over to him wrapping my arms around his neck pulling him in for a kiss.

Friends to lovers  - Sebastian Stan x fem!reader Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum