Part 33 - Paris

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' it's been a while since i last spoke to you. '

' it really has'

' so tell me. I've seen a few rumours and I think the audience here as well have, that you are y/n are getting really close?' Jimmy questions Chris who was currently sat for an interview. It has now been 5 weeks since we started filming and everything was going great. We had flew out to Paris to start filming for a new destination that would be shown in the series.

I was calling Seb near enough every day, when we could as both our schedules were both extremely busy. However information was now leaked and confirmed we were filming for the night manager 2 which had brought light onto me.And as expected the public and so called fans darting rumours and hate at us both.

'I'm here to say there rumours are false. ' Chris answered Jimmy making him shocked.

' are you sure? I'm just trying to get to the bottom here. '

' 100% the truth. We are just very good friends, and i support her through any thing she does '

The interview carried on, talking about a new project he was currently working on. I had finished a long shoot today with Tom, the make up heavy, as I was beaten up. It was truly mentally draining. My hotel tv on with the interview, whilst I scrolled through my computer looking at nothing in particular.

Opening up the script reading through tomorrows scenes, trying to familiarise myself with the content, so it could be over as soon as possible. Normally I am more relaxed, however tomorrows shoot was mine and toms sex scene, and i wanted it to be over with. Plus, I still had scars from mark. Sebastian was obviously aware of these marks but Tom wasn't, he didn't know the full story of my relationship with Mark and i worried he would see these on me tomorrow and ask me.

Answering the call coming through on my computer I see Chris' contact.

' oh hello stranger' i say instantly as I answer the call. There he is sat in his white cable knit sweater with a scarf on. Still evidently in New York by the sounds of traffic from outside, I saw Seb creep into the camera.

' hey ! Looks who's with me' he says pulling Seb more into frame a smile brought to his face. The two boys sat down next to each other whilst we called.

' hows filming going ?'

' good. I'm enjoying it but I do miss you Seb. ' I say making Chris fake being hurt holding his hand to his chest. ' of course I miss you too Chris. I saw the interview'

' I hope your not angry that i dismissed the rumours. '

' no not at all '

' Chris, do you mind if I just speak to Seb for a moment please' he smiled nodding and walking out of frame, knowing he was gone when Sebastian turned his attention back to me.

' you okay doll? What's on your mind'

' so tomorrow it's mine and toms intimate scene. I'm worried he might bring up my scars. I don't want to talk about it, and I don't want to get upset if he mentions it'

'Y/n. Tom isn't that kind of person, he won't bring it up unless you mention it. ' I look down at my thigh seeing one large scar across. Moving my hand to my stomach I feel the other small scar on my right, making my eyes water. ' doll listen to me please. Those scars only show how strong you are. Yes they're from a bad time but they show you came out from it. They are beautiful' i sniffle wiping my eyes and nose. ' now you go out there tomorrow be the sexy women you are and I can show you how much I've missed you when you come home' winking at the camera at his last remark making me laugh.

' thank you Seb.'

Spending the rest of the night on call to Seb and Chris chatting, talking about our upcoming projects and making plans for the holidays. Before falling asleep I had wished them both a goodnight and hung up the call, turning off the tv and falling asleep to the thought of Seb.


'You ready?' Bier asked me as I stood dressed in my robe. I nodded my head and we made our way to set, I think it was slightly evident my anxiety was getting to me, but i remembered what Seb told me which helped to calm me.

Tom already in the bed, I had gotten in next to him, wrapping one arm across his torso, and my right leg between his. The sheets were wrapped around us how they desired. Toms left arm was under my head, his hand resting on my head, which was resting on his chest.


My eyes closed indicating we had been asleep, Pine opened his eyes looking down at me his hand stroking my hair, which helped my anxiety relax even more. I turned my head to face him our eyes locking with one another.

' I'm sorry' pine whispered

' what for'

' for not saving you earlier'

' it's fine.' My eyes diverted away from his looking at the ground ' there's something you need to know Johnathan '

' I had a child... ' he turned my face to look at him.

' am I ... am ... a dad?' I just nodded not wanting to speak up. He pulled me in for a kiss connecting our lips together. Flipping us so he was now on top my hands held his shoulders.

' CUT I want to get a different angle' we stayed in the position, looking over his shoulder to the night. 'ACTION'

He connected our lips again before pulling away.
'I'll take it that your happy?' Pine didn't speak his lips found my neck placing small delicate pecks along. My hands moving down his body under the sheets to give some form of illusion.

The scene continued. Having to film it 3 times to get different angles, to make it seem more realistic with camera work.

'That's perfect. That's all I need for today so take the rest of your day off and enjoy yourselves. We will continue filming in 3 days'

Finally some well needed rest. I feel like I haven't stopped since we started. I was planning to spend this time to sleep, and work through emails. Now this was starting to come to an end. This season had been more condensed with the filming. When we filmed for season 1 it was over a 5 month period. However now, due to Toms needed demands for Loki season 2 we had to film everything in a tight schedule, meaning we were needed every day.

Wrapping my robe back around me I left set without even talking to Tom, maybe he knew something was wrong with me but I would just put it down to being tired. I missed Sebastian, I missed Oreo I missed home. I didn't realise how much I had loved my little family until I was away from it all.

In 2 weeks once filming was finished we were needed to go on the Graham Norton show before I could fly out back to New York with Oreo to meet Seb.

As planned I spent my night sleeping. I had obviously ordered food service getting a pizza before falling asleep watching friends. Ignoring any phone rings from anyone, which they did go off, but I had told the only person I cared about that I would be sleeping and he understood. So I don't give a fuck.

Friends to lovers  - Sebastian Stan x fem!reader Where stories live. Discover now