Prt 32 - Dover

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The time had finally come. My bag on my shoulder, a long beige coat which ensured i would be warm in the cold autumn weather of England. I had paid to stay in a hotel close by to filming in Dover for a few days, meaning my car journey wasn't too far. My car only a 5 minute walk away from set, it looked over the cliffs showing the grey sea.

' Seb I'll call you once I'm finished '

' okay doll Love you'

'Love you too'

I hung up the phone placing it in my pocket, meeting my fellow cast members for the first time in years. Sharing a few quick hello's we were met by Susanne Bier, the director , who began talking us through our process of filming.

I had gotten the script near 2 weeks ago, reading through it seeing I wouldn't make an appearance until episode 3 and would be frequently in each episode until the end.

The series started off, Pine, located in Paris, now single due to Jed returning back home to her family. He was back in the hotel management business, returning all money he had made through the selling of missile weapons with the help of Roper.

4 years had passed by, no more romantic interests, no family left for him, he was once again alone. That's what the first episode consisted of. Pine bringing Jed to Dover, hence why we were currently here filming.

As I watched from the sidelines of Toms performance I was mesmerised forgetting how talented he truly was. Being able to bring tears to his eyes , as soon as Elizabeth read her line, telling him she would be leaving.

The scene had ended. Tom was still lying down on the bed shirt off and only boxers. Rubbing his face, i threw his clothes at him which made him laugh. As i turned around to leave I heard him shout my name.

'Y/n . Can we talk?'

' once you get changed yeah' I respond still facing away from him. Hearing the rustle of clothing behind me, I stand somewhat awkward just waiting for him.

'You can turn now' i obey turning around seeing him now fully dressed just no shirt which he was currently putting on. ' do you want to go out for food? We have finished for the day'

' is that what you wanted to talk to me about ?'

' ehehe no darling. But I think we should over food. Just 2 friends?' He seemed genuine dashing me a hopeful smile. I nodded in agreement and we left set walking towards the cars.

' where you parked?'

' I got a taxi I will meet you there. ' he pulled out his phone to what I guess was getting a taxi. I turned it off .

' get in my car just tell me where '

' you sure darling ?'

' yeah it only makes sense. Now hurry it's cold' I say unlocking my car getting into the drivers seat, turning on the engine straight away so I could put the heating on.  ' so where to Pine?'

He puts the directions in on his phone, I listened to the sat nav driving towards a small restaurant in Dover. Soon enough we had arrived, the rain pouring down, unable to see 2 foot in front of you. Thankfully parking as close to the restaurant as I could we ran, to make sure we were as dry as we could possibly be.

' just a table for 2 please' he said to the waiter who stood behind a stand. Picking up 2 menus we were shown to our table, next to a small fire place. The whole aesthetic of restaurant I loved. All very rustic, red brick walls, with a beautiful log fireplace next to us both, giving off the much needed heat.

Once ordering (your favourite food) we sat in a moment of silence before he finally broke it.

'So. I wanted to talk to you' I nodded my head taking a sip of my water ' with this filming coming up and we obviously have a few intimate scenes I want to make sure nothing is awkward between us. And if you need time for anything please let me know. Ive spoken to Sebastian and informed him that if anything goes wrong or I am worried about you I will let him know. He's being a protective boyfriend ' he chuckled causing me to smile. 'Also with our past relationship I am prepared for the stories that will be published by the media, i don't know if you are'

For some reason, I hadn't taken in account of what the media would say or do with any information given to them. Even the fact that me and Tom had sex scenes in this was bound to cause something to be said twisting everything out of proportion. And now I was going out for a meal with him, how was this going to look. What if Seb got wind of this and thought it was a date he's going to be so angry. Tears start to fill my eyes with the panic that filled me. My leg bouncing up and down not even listening anymore to what Tom was saying. Tapping my fingers on the table to try and focus my breathing, when his hand held mine. Looking up at the blue eyed man in-front of me I pull my hand away not wanting anything to happen.

' darling ... y/n. Whats up'

I don't respond just shaking my head looking down at the floor. My hands now clasped together so he couldn't grab me again.I tried to zone out every sound around me, but instead everything just became more intense. The crackles of the fire becoming pounder, footsteps fro customers and staff walking now sounding like a heard of elephants. Peoples knives and forks screeching on plates causing me to cry, despite only 5 other customers being here. 

All I could think of was how angry Seb was going to be. The man I loved wouldn't want to be with me, he would think I'm cheating. What the fuck was I doing here with Tom ?

Toms POV
Suddenly it's as though something in her mind clicked. She zoned out from what I was saying, the anxiety filling her body. I grabbed her hand once I noticed she started tapping but she pulled away very aggressively, looking up at me for a spilt second her eyes glazed over with pain and hurt before looking down into her lap.

I tried to get her attention but nothing worked. I know i shouldn't have but I grabbed my phone dialling Sebastians number.

'Hey is everything okay'

' not really. I need your help it's y/n I think she's having some sort of anxiety attack'

'Explain to me Whats happened' which I did, trying to keep myself calm as I explained everything I had done and said. ' can you put her on the phone please'

I moved over to her kneeling down placing my hand on hers to get her attention.

'Y/n it's Sebastian he wants to talk to you' I gave her a genuine smile to assure her he wasn't anything bad.

'Y/n it's Sebastian he wants to talk to you' I saw him hand the phone to me, I couldn't see his face the blurred vision from tears. I took the phone placing it to my ear,

' doll?' I just hummed in response ' you okay' once again i hummed. ' ok breathe with me. In through you're nose for 5 seconds 1... 2...3...4...5. And out for 5 5...4...3...2...1. Perfect now keep going' I heard him following the same breathing patterns from the other side of the phone, helping me to focus on the breathing. Slowing my breathing returned to normal, the pain in my chest staring to calm.

' you okay now doll'

' yeah thank you'

' you want to tell me what's worrying you?'

' just the media. What if they twist anything that happens. None of it is true Seb I love you and I don't want you hating me for this'

' y/n I know. But I also know you wouldn't do anything to hurt me, it's not in your nature. This is our job, I understand you will have scenes with Tom but it's not real. At the end of the day you're the one I love and you love me, no paparazzi photos or articles can change that. Enjoy your meal with Tom and don't miss me too much. I will speak to you every day and I'll see you in 2 months.'

' I really don't deserve you. I love you Sebastian'

'I love you more' I hung up the phone turning my attention back to Tom who was now sat at his seat handing him his phone back to him.

' I'm sorry'

'You don't need to apologise. I get it I was slightly worried about how Zawe would react, but she was supportive. ' he looks over my shoulder smiling ' now shall we enjoy our food'  i nodded my head as the food arrived thanking our waiter once it was placed in front of me.

Friends to lovers  - Sebastian Stan x fem!reader Where stories live. Discover now