Prt 16 -Family visits

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I had tracked the flight from london to make sure that they would arrive saftley, also so i knew when to pick them up.

I was standing near the arrivals sign waiting for the passengers from the flight to leave. I saw a few people start to get greeted by their families and friends hugging them all as they came out. It brought joy to my face, i had always loved Christmas, the joining of friends and family reuniting.

'Y/n! ' i heard the voice, that can only be recognised as hers. I looked up from my phone seeing my mum running towards me leaving her suitcase with my nan.

We flung our arms around eachother spending the time to hug out all the kissed months of not seeing each other.

As we broke away i saw my nan waddling over to join us. She was amazing only 5 foot 1 and had such dry humour which made everyone around her laugh.

She pulled me down so i coukd give her a proper hug. I grabbed both of their suitcases leading them to my car that was parked outside. My nan obviously getting in the front but on the drivers side forgetting about the differences than the uk.


Christmas soon came around and it felt great to spend it with my mun and nan. The last time i had spent it with them was 3 years ago.

Waking up i turned to my bedside table seeing it was 7 am and i could hear rattling coming from my kitchen meaning only one thing. My nan was obviously awake. Ahe always woke up early 5 am to be exact.

I remember when i was younger and would stay over at my nans, i woke up to the smell of tea and toast at the kitchen table that she would force me to eat even if i wasnt hungry.

' good morning' my nans voice welcomed me into my own kitchen.
'Merry Christmas nan'
' merry Christmas love' she said handing me a plate of toast. ' eat' i rolled my eyes taking a bite
' thank you '

I sat at my kitchen counter with nan for a little while until we were joined by my mum.

We started exchanging gifts between one another. My nan had gotten me the usual pyjamas and perfume.

Once we finsiehd the exchange of gofts i went to start cooking the chrismas meal until my nans came over.

' what do you think your doing' she said taking the knige out of my hand
' building a shed,..' i deadpanned
' watch the sarcasm mrs. Im cooking today'
' youre a guest in my house'
' yeah and it's Christmas so leave' she said slapping my arm slightly. As i went to stgue back my mum shouted me, walking in with my phone.
' y/n your phones ringing'

I answered seeing it was Seb faceitmeing me.
' merry christmas doll'
' merry Christmas seb. Whats up?'
' did you get my present?'
' no?'
' check under the tree at the back. I put it there when i last saw you'

I got onto my hands and knees lying down searching for a gift when i saw a small box wrapped up.
On the tag said ' to y/n merry Christmas doll.
Seb x'

I positioned the phone to stand up and i sat crossed legged on the floor sitting infront of the camera. I ripped the wrapping paper off and was greeted by a black velvet jewellery box.

Once opening the box i was greeted by a pair of beautiful earings with a matching necklace. The exsct ones from Prague. A genuine smile spread across my face and my eyes filled with happy tears.

' omg seb thank you!'
' do you like them?'
' i love them. Wait how did you get them ?'
' when you went away with mackie for the photo i bought them. I saw how you looked at them, i xouldnt miss the chance to get you them. Sorry you had to wait for so long doll'
' your amazing ' i smiled and he smiled back at me.

Chatting for a little while before ending rhe call and rejoining my family in the kitchen.
' soooo you and Sebastian?' My mum asked me trying to dig for information.
' nothings going on were just friends '
' if you say so' she saying smiling at my nan who returns it.


Dinner went swimmingly. I forgot how much i live my nans cooking, she was a great cook. I would used to go to hers and she would teach me how to make specific meals so that i could look after myself when i lived on my own, and boy did it py off.

That night we celebrated Christmas as we normal do by watching christmas films on the couch wrapped up in a blanket each with the fire on. Each of us with a hot drink and a selection of sweet treats on the table infront of us.

I fell asleep that night on the couch failing to get myself up still full from the dinner my nan prepared for us.


I had woken up late despite the fact of sleeping on my couch. I looked up seeing both my mum and nan fully dressed, my nan wearing make uo fronthe first time in years. Then I remembered Chris was coming to see us today.

' nan.... Whats with the make up?'
She jumped not expecting me to be awake.
' no reason' ahe finallt says after smiling at me. I just rolled my eyes getting mtselr off the couch and into my bedroom.

Onced getitng changed into comfy clothes i grabbed my car keys saying bye to my family as i headed to the airport once again to pick up chris from the airport.


Of course as soon as i saw him he picked me up wrapping me in a hug, which the paparazzi caught photos of.

' merry belated Christmas Chris'
' you too '
We walked to my car as he threw his bag onto my back seat.
' would you like coffee?' I asked as we drove away.


As soon as we entered my home, we were bkth greeted by my mum and nan sat in the living room watching some shitty tv show.

' mum, nan' i said both of them turning around to see me and chris standing there holding cups of coffee .

'God you look better in real life' my nan said trying to get out of her seat to when chris helped her. She pulled him in for a hug and the height difference between them both was hilarious.

' thank you ma'am'
' call me dot'
' of course'
She pulled away from the hug.
' you smell amazing'
' nan stop' i saif starting to feel slightly embarrassed.
' its okay y/n i like the older women' he says playing along causing us all to chuckle.

The rest of the day consited of us getting to know eachother mkre and having a meal. We decided to order take out, whilst my nan complained that america dont have any chippys.

Friends to lovers  - Sebastian Stan x fem!reader Where stories live. Discover now