Part 35 - Decmeber 1st

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After last night, I had finally made my way back to my own home. Since I flew back I had been in Sebastians for the past week, i didn't want to leave I hadn't seen him in so long and I had to make up for lost time.

As I walked into my apartment, there was something different about the place. As I entered my living room that was connected to my kitchen I saw a brand new Dog bed that was situated under the fire, for Oreo, who rushed over straight away curling up inside. There was a fresh smell to the place, it was evident that it had been recently cleaned.

' do you like it doll?' I felt arms wrap around my waist, as a head was now leaning on my shoulder, the familiar scent of Seb being very clear.

'I love it thank you !'

' and it's not over just yet' he said turning me around to face him, his hands still rested on my waist. My arms around his neck. I cocked him an eyebrow, tilting my head to the side. ' dinner you and me tonight and a surprise later on' i roll my eyes at him comment giggling. ' not that ... although I wouldn't say no' he winked at me pulling my lips to his.

i tried to help him make dinner, I mean he was a guest in my own home but he wouldn't allow me. No instead he had forced me to get a shower, and to relax watching a comfort tv show of mine. Obviously putting on Brooklyn 99, season 5 to be specific. Oreo was curled up next to me his head resting on my lap, whilst he slept a few cries escaping whilst he dreamed.

I pulled out my phone taking a photo of the canine and posting it onto my instagram with a comment ' it's good to be back home'. It was true, as much as I had loved being away filming, there truly is no place like home. Especially when in my home has a hot Romanian man cooking me dinner.

I entered my dining room where Seb had lit candles on the table, placing a plate at both places of the table, and a bottle of red wine, with 2 wine glasses. He pulled out my chair allowing me to sit down, as he tucked me in like the true gentleman he is.

He had made a beautiful Italian meal, i couldn't exactly tell you what it was, some sort of pasta dish. Whatever it was, it was beautiful full of flavour. I smiled at him wiping my mouth once I had finished eating, clearing the whole plate.

' that was beautiful thank you'

' a beautiful dinner for a beautiful girl' he smiled at me making me laugh at the cringy line, despite the fact he had tried. ' I have one more surprise for you ' his hand grabbed an envelope from the table handing it to me. Looking at him I opened the letter, pulling out 2 tickets for Boston, flying out in a week.

'I thought it would be good, for you to spend time with your Best friend. You haven't seen him for a while and Well and Mackie will be there as well so we can spend the time together once again, after a long while. Anthony will be flying out 2 days after we arrive, and Evans has said we can stay in what do you say?'

' I honestly don't know what I have done to deserve you' i get up from my seat, walking over to him, sitting on his lap, wrapping my arms once again around his neck. ' of course I will I love it.'

He pulled his face to mine kissing me passionately. His tongue licked my lower lip asking for entrance which i gladly accepted. 

' how about we move this to the bedroom' i pulled away from him smirking. To which he connected our lips again picking me up bridal style and carrying me to the bedroom.


' y/n!' I head Chris shout me pulling me in for a hug as he picked me up twirling me around. ' Ive missed my best friend'

'I've missed you too Evans ' I pulled away from him feeling Sebs presence from behind me. The flashes from photographs going off, knowing that within minutes they will be circulating around the internet. We grabbed our bags, leaving the airport and making our way towards Chris' car. He unlocked his car, the light flashing as we got closer.

Friends to lovers  - Sebastian Stan x fem!reader Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin