Part 8 - Closing Night

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Dear Y/n

I opened the email from my agent. I hadnt auditoned for any roles so maybe they had found me.

Marvel have approached me, they would like you to appear on the new series Falcon and the Winter Soldier, to play the role of your agent in Avengers Endgame. Both Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie will be appearing. Filming starts in a month and you will be flying out to Prague.

Sincerely, James.

Closing my laptop i picked up my phone instantly calling Seb. We have started speaking to eachither nearly every day since his birthday, since the incident. And yet he didnt being up the fact he would be filming for a new series.

' h... hello?'

' are you busy?' I ask him

' no why whats up doll?'


I heard him chuckle and then answer me ' sorry doll i had to keep it quiet. How do you know'

' im coming Prague!'

'Good! Im excited to work with you again!'

The excitement was genuine. I absolutely loved working with him and Mackie. During the filming of endgame we created so many funny memories and since then we have grown closer.

Once we ended the phone call i made myself breakfast and sent a message to my director for Hamilton, explaining that in a months time i will be leaving the show to pursue another opportunity given to me. I thanked him for the role i was playing.


The rest of the cast took a step back for me to take another bow, as it was my last performance. A tear fell from my eye as i looked around the theatre which has been my home for the past 5 1/2 months.

The curtains closed and everyone around me hugged me creating a large group hug. We all decided to go out for a few drinks after the show to celebrate. Nearly all the cast were there apart from an odd few.

My phone flashed showing i had a message from Seb. I unlocked it.

'Hey doll, are you free tonight?'

Sorry, maybe later but im
Out for drinks x

I placed my phone back on the table leaving it up right again. I looked to my left seeing Sofia, who we had both gotten close during the run of the show, she played Peggy Schuyler .

' whats going on with you two?' She asked me smirking

' nothing ' my cheeks deceived me turning pink.
She raised her eyebrow, trying to get me to tell her the truth.

' nothings going on i promise Sof. Nothing can happen, '


'Because ...' i couldn't exactly say a reason as to why. It was just one of them that couldn't happen.

' i think it can and it will. Ive seen the way you act around him, and how your mood changes'

I go redder again making her laugh because she knows shes right.

We continued the night drinking some more, i didn't have a lot i don't want to be suffering with a hangover tomorrow.


The day had finally come around for me to fly out to Prague and start filming for The falcon and the Winter soldier. Seb was picking me up so that we could go the airport together. I hadn't managed to see him since i finished the show.

I zipped my suitcase up putting a lock around it.o then done the final checks for my carry on luggage, when i heard my front door open.

'Y/n !' Sebs voices echoed from the entrance

' in here'

I heard his footsteps get closer to my bedroom door as i packed my phone charger in my bag. The footsteps stopped and i looked up seeing Seb now leaning his shoulder against my door frame, with his arms crossed, with a smile plastered across his face.

'Are you ready doll?'

I zipped up my back pack throwing it over my shoulder, and pulled the handle of my suitcase with me towards seb.

' more than ready' i finally responded smiling at him .

' oh i have a surprise for you when we get to Prague '

' what is it' i ask and he turns around

' if i tell you it wont be a surprise will it'

I huffed and followed him to my front door to leave, picking up my passport and boarding pass on the way.


The airport was busy, well it would be i jus wasn't expecting it to be. We sent our suitcases down to be put on the plane and made our way through security checks at the airport.

With an hour to spare we decided to get some airport food and drinks. I got myself a burger and a lemonade. Whilst i was eating i saw seb staring at me.

' what?' I asked slightly annoyed.

' sorry doll i was in a world of my own' he flashes me his smile and i smile back.

' so.... Do i get any clues of what the surprise is?'

He ponders for a bit thinking. Was he thinking of what he could say that wouldn't give it away, or wether to tell me or not.

'I think and i hope you will enjoy it'

he responds smirking whilst he takes a bite of his food. WHAT KIND OF RESPONSE IS THAT! That could mean literally anything in the world.

'Flight 623 to Prague is boarding at Gate 23'

We quickly finished our food and made our way to the gate so that we could board the flight. We showed the air hostess our boarding tickets and she directed us to our seats on the plane. I was sat next to the window with Seb on my left.

Not long after we began taxing and the Air host displayed what to do in emergencies. We all fastened our seatbelts as the planes speed increased as it went down the runway, eventually lifting off the ground.

Friends to lovers  - Sebastian Stan x fem!reader Where stories live. Discover now