Luigi X Villa - a Villager and a Plumber

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: kagaminext_

I'm one of those Gacha kids who use the app for aesthetic 

👉 e d i t s 👈

So I made one for this chapter! It's up there!

Anyway, this is an exception for my good friend InklingGirl13

This is a Character X OC one-shot


One day, she was fishing. She was trying to donate something new to Blathers's aquarium on a daily basis, to help build the popularity of her island.

He was watching her. Not in a creepy way- hold on, forget I said that, when someone is watching you, it's creepy, no question about it. He admired her love for creatures and the happiness of her fellow villagers.

The 'him' was the brother of Mario, Luigi, the 'her' was an island girl named Juliet.

The thing is, nobody actually called her 'Juliet'. She had a nickname, 'Villa', which comes from the word 'Villager'. Luigi was never sure where the name 'Villa' came from, but he thought it was cute, and suited her perfectly. (TattletailPasta: Bro, that name was all me-)

Luigi then realised that what he was doing was dumb. He was standing there, staring at the back of Villa's head, watching her fish. He thought about how much of a coward he was being for not walking up to her and talking directly to her.

If he did that, although, he was afraid that he would annoy her. He was afraid that just like everybody else, she didn't want him anywhere near her.

'So much for being Mario's brother...' Luigi would think to himself.

When Luigi realised that his negative thoughts were just pushing him down, he remembered what the therapist said. "Ignore it all, and do what it is you want to do."

Little did Luigi know, what he was about to do would change his life forever.

"V-Villa!" Luigi called out her name, catching her attention. She glanced up at him, and smiled. "Hey, Luigi!"

"So, have you caught anything new?" Luigi asked her. Villa nodded.

"I caught an angelfish, a frog, 3 salmons, 2 squids and several sea-bass." She replied. Luigi chuckled, knowing everyone's hate against sea bass in Animal Crossing.

(Have you seen that animation where Villager's like; "Isabelle. I wanna ban sea bass." And Isabelle's like; "BuT wE cAn'T dO tHaT." And then it turns in to a full on rant where Villager's like; "I AM DECLARING WAR AGAINST SEA BASS." But seriously, Nintendo, maybe not be so clíche and give us not just one fish to catch all day?)

Villa turned her attention back to the reflective lake in front of her. Luigi looked down too, and saw the reflection of both her and him, sitting side-by-side.

It made him blush.

"Are you alright?" Villa asked, glancing up at Luigi. Luigi looked down to gaze in to her gorgeous, shiny pupils. He nodded, not turning his gaze away.

Villa noticed this awkwardness that was suddenly evolved, and looked away quickly, a soft shade of pink dusting her face.

'Damn...' Luigi thought to himself. 'I'm making her feel uncomfortable..'

"I-I can leave if you want-" Luigi said.

"No," Villa replied. "Stay. I like your company."

Luigi's heart did a somewhat somersault when she said that. He was glad that he wasn't irritating her to a point where she wanted him to leave.

Suddenly, something tugged at Villa's rod. "A fish!" She exclaimed.

With all of her might, she began attempting to tug it out of the water. Luigi could see that she was struggling, and got up to help.

Securing his arms around her waist, he pulled her, adding some extra strength to the process of the fish being pulled out of the water.

They pulled.

And pulled.

And pulled.

And finally, it popped out!

Although, the fish that came out was sent flying, and Luigi fell back with Villa falling on top of him.

"Yes! We got the fish! We got the fi-" Villa celebrated, before realising the awkward position that herself and Luigi were in.

She was extremely close to his face. Literally only an inch or two away from his lips. Her face burned up realising this.

Luigi didn't budge. He just stared in to Villa's eyes passionately, hoping that she wouldn't inch away from him.

And she didn't.

Instead, she stared back in to his eyes, suddenly making the aura around them extremely romantic.

It was almost as if breath was held when Villa inched just a tiny bit closer.

Luigi took the hint, and within the few seconds that spread out before them, they kissed.

Although, it was ruined when a group of idiots emerged from the bushes and started applauding.

Everyone cheered and clapped as if someone had just found out how to cure world hunger. Luigi and Villa scampered up quickly in to a standing position, blushing madly.

"I SWEAR ON THE NAME OF SATAN, LUIGI, IF YOU DO ANYTHING TO MY LITTLE VILLA, THERE WILL BE CONSEQUENCES!!!" The small non-binary blonde-and-brunette that EVERYBODY knows shouted. (Aka me XD)

Luigi chuckled. He wasn't going to do anything bad to Villa. He promised that to himself that day.

He loved her, and that was all.


Hello! It's been a while, aye?

At the moment, I still am not taking any requests. This was just an exception because I really ship this XD


Stay fresh! 🤙😜👋



Super Smash Bros. Ultimate! X Reader One-Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें