Dominant! Mythra X Shy!Male! Reader - Pool Party - Part 1

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Here's a request from Mememan64

I'm excited to write this, it seems like a nice change to write about a male reader. 

I absolutely love Mythra and want to marry her oh geez I'm such a simp TwT


"C'mon, (Y/N)! We could go together! And who knows, Mythra could be there too~" My best friend, Pyra, cooed. I shook my head, my clave flushing a bright pink colour. 

"Stop that, Pyra..." I said in a low voice, making her giggle. 

You see, Pyra and I received an invite for Peach's upcoming pool party. It was gonna be held in the huge pool that was going to be built outside of the Smash Mansion. 

Although, I didn't want to go. Why? Because there was gonna be girls. Loads of 'em. Maybe even some outside of the Super Smash Brothers franchise. 

I get extremely conscious around females. Well, all except Pyra, of course. 

I especially get EXTREMELY shy around Mythra, Pyra's alter ego. The amazing magic that Master Hand can do made her a separate person, so that Pyra isn't swapping in and out all of the time, and I have to say. She's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. 

And once you get to know her, you'll realise that her personality is just as beautiful. 

I've grown an attraction to her, yet I don't know if I can say the same about the way she feels about me. Although, she's quite... dominant and protective over me, and for a good reason too!

When I'm around other women, who love to get extremely and uncomfortably close to me, and l like to flirt with me, she sees that I'm not comfortable, and tells them to back off. 

I'm relieved to have her as a friend for that.


"I know what you're thinking, (Y/N)..." Pyra snapped me out of my daze quite suddenly. She was sitting right in front of me, staring in to my eyes. Due to my shyness and communication issues, I started swearing and trying to look away. 

"You don't want to go because of the other girls." Pyra stated, pretty much reading my mind. I sighed, and nodded. 

"They won't be in as much... clothing... as usual, Pyra! You HAVE to understand!" I argued. She shushed me, making me sit back and do as I was told. 

"We'll go together, okay? Besides, I'm gonna tell Mythra to be there too, and you know what she does when any of the girls go near you." Pyra told me, as if ordering me and confirming that this was going to happen. 

I opened up my mouth to argue, but shut it again, knowing that whatever I'll say, she would turn down immediately. I sighed in defeat. 

"Fine." I said. "I'll go, but only if you promise to stay with me at all times, oh, and to tell Mythra to be there." 

"It's a deal." Pyra smirked, holding out her hand for me to shake. 

I accepted, and we shook. 

She pulled back, and slung her arm over the back of her chair, still smirking. "You really do like Mythra, don't you?" 

"I said to shit up about that!" I growled. She laughed, and got up from her seat, most likely to go and talk to Mythra. 

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