Yandere! Sora X Female!Hostage! Reader - the Fear of Loving

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Request from PrincessChan326

Is this seriously my 4th Sora X Reader?


I'm scared of Sora. 


Well geez, there's many reasons. 

Who remembers Suicide Mouse? Apparently, Mickey didn't kill himself, Sora killed him. 

Do you remember the Captain N trio? They were demolished by Sora. 

The Mario brothers? Death by Sora. 

The Smash Kids? Mercilessly slaughtered the way Annakin Skywalker did, by Sora.

The 4 princesses? Found with slit throats last month, again, caused by Sora. 

The Pokémon? Sora. 

Villager's entire village? Sora. 

The rest of the Smash roster? Sora. 

At one point, I even witnessed Parappa's dead body in the place where Batman watched his parents died! 

Okay, I'll be honest, I didn't. But I mean, Sora has killed so many people, so I wouldn't be surprised if the rapping dog was on his list. 

Anyway, ever since Sora killed everyone, I've been locked in his room, cuffed to the bed. LITERALLY CUFFED TO THE BED.

Sora would leave me in there for pretty much the entire day, and then in the evening, he brought me up a meal and talked to me. 

The reason to why Sora is killing all of these people is because... I'm the love of his life. 

He's threatened the lives of everyone who's ever even looked at me. 

It makes me sad. Thinking that all of the people that are dead because of Sora, we're really caused by me pretty much existing.

Anyway, right now, I'm crying. I'm trying to sing myself in to comfort, by performing an acoustic and slow cover of 'Happier Than Ever' by Billie Eilish. Y'know, that song where she screams her lungs out at her ex? Yeah, that one.

As I sang it, tears rolled down my cheeks, thinking of all of the ways that I'm wasting my life here in the prison of Sora's room. 

If he didn't do what he did, who knows what better thing I could be doing right now? 

I want freedom, wasn't that obvious? 

He walked in to the room, that evil glint in his eyes scaring me as usual. I noticed a bit of blood on his jacket, making me concerned. Was that stain old or new? 

"You have a beautiful voice, (Y/N)... as beautiful as you..." he smiled cockily, scaring me a bit more. 

"Um... thanks..." I replied, wiping my tears away so that he wouldn't notice them. 

He placed a bowl of ramen in front of me. It reminded me of Min-Min's ramen. Oh the sweet memory of Min-Min and her delicious ramen...

I demolished the bowl within minutes. I was starving. What else would you expect, I'm locked up in Sora's room 24/7. I'm not even able to walk around anymore! 

"Good (Y/N)... very good (Y/N)..." Sora stroked my head, making me flinch away. 

"What's wrong?" He asked, obviously offended by the way I moved away. 

"Don't touch me..." I looked at him straight in the eye, frowning. 

Sora just chuckled. "I can touch you if I want. You're mine...." 

He stuffed his face in to my neck, and started trailing his hands all over my body, making me growl and try to pry him off of me. 

"Sora, stop! Sora, I said stop!!!" I kept saying repeatedly. 

But of course, he didn't listen. 

He shook his head, and kept tracing his hands over literally every single body part I own. I swear to Galeem, if I ever get out of these chains, I will kill him bare handedly. Give him a taste of his own medicine. 

"I love you so much, (Y/N)... I'm never gonna let you leave my sight..." Sora told me, his voice muffled from inside of my neck. 

"If you love me so much, then why do you keep me here?" I wailed, tears appearing in the corners of my eyes. 

"To make sure that you're mine. And mind only." Sora replied. 

I could feel the hot tears streaming down my face. Sora doesn't care about my health and safety, he only cares about his love for me. 

That was not the proper traits to have in a good boyfriend. 

"Mine." Sora growled, biting down on my neck. 

"Sora! Stop that!" I yelped. 

Of course, he didn't. 

He kept biting me as if pretty much trying to eat me. My tears kept on falling. He's never gonna care about how I feel. 

"I'll leave you alone for tonight, but just remember..." Sora pulled away from me, relieving me and making me thank the lords above. 

He leaned in 

"You're mine, and mine only. I love you." 

I gulped, trying to hold back anymore tears I had left to cry. 

"What do you say!?!?" Sora grunted. 

"I love you too." 

"Good girl..." he patted my head again. "Now get some rest." 

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why I've always had the fear of loving.


My emo phase has me under a spell

And I oop

"CHRIS!!!" ~Lazari

*looks up* ~Sayori 

"Is ThAt A wEeD!?!?" ~Lazari 

"No, it's a crayon-" ~Sayori


Next up we've got a Mythra X Male! Reader, and then a Little Mac X Reader. 

I'll also be doing a '1 year anniversary for this book' special. TEASER: it's gonna be based off of the 'Muffin' music video by CG5 and BadBoyHalo! 

Stay fresh! 🤙😜👋



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