Ness X Female! Reader - My Sibling Just Died

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I'm SO glad to be back!!!! 

Here's the long-waited request from luffyisinmycloset


I could've done more. I knew that. Instead, I just stood there, watching him meet his doom. Right now, I'm sitting outside a hospital room with my best friend, Paula, my study buddy, Jeff, my 'secret' admirer, Poo, and my crush, Ness. I was sitting beside Ness, on the floor, staring at the bare ground in front of me as he twiddled his thumbs. Paula was walking in circles, biting her fingernails, Jeff had a notebook of blueprints opened up on his lap, tapping his pencil against the page, trying to think of ideas for new inventions which was his way of dealing with problems, and Poo was sitting in a relaxed, cross legged position, pondering to himself.

As soon as the doctor appeared from behind the door, all of our heads snapped up, switching our attention from whatever we were doing to him. "I-I'm sorry..." he began. My mood slipped, knowing it was bad news. He turned to me. "Your brother... won't make it..."

I don't even think there was any chance of him surviving. The damage he was given is unbearable. He wasn't PSI, either, like Jeff. He was really only there for my sake. He protected me, took care of me, and treated me not even like a sister, but a daughter.

I could've stepped in. I have powers for a reason. I've defeated so many starmen, why not this one? They appeared as usual, attempted attacks, took damage, and some of them disappeared. It was that ONE Starman, that teleported, ended up behind him, fired, and next thing I know, I'm in an ambulance, holding his hand and whispering; "C'mon, brother... you can fight this...

"We've done everything we can, I'm sorry..." The doctor apologised, a look of sympathy upon his face. We all sat silently. I nodded my head. "Thank you." The doctor nodded back, before disappearing behind the door once again.

We all had a few moments of silence, before I couldn't keep it in anymore. Hot tears started pouring from my eyes, and I began to sob.

Ness put a comforting hand on my shoulder, obviously feeling the same. Throwing my arms around him suddenly, I cried in to his shoulder. At first, he flinched, but after a few moments, slithered his arm around my torso, returning the hug.

Paula fell to her knees behind me, weeping violently. "I'm so sorry, (Y/N)!!!!" She wailed, securing her arms around my neck and stuffing her face in to my back.

Poo stood up, came over, pushed my hair out of the way and pecked my neck, and knelt down beside me, arms around my waist.

Finally, last but CERTAINLY not least, Jeff came. He closed his blueprint book, stood up, and dropped on to his knees, joining the group hug, one arm around Paula, the other around Ness.

Three days later, the funeral came along. My eyes were red from the crying, and my black dress dropped depressingly. Ness tried to cheer me up by complimenting me, but it didn't really work. I just gave him a small smile and thanked him.

By the end of the funeral, Paula's makeup was smeared across her face from crying and wiping her tears. Jeff had an arm around her, trying to give her some comfort, even though he too, even if you couldn't see with his glasses, was weeping. Throughout the entire walk to the grave, both Poo and Ness were walking alongside me, glaring at each other what seemed like every second.

Brother dearest was lowered down in to his resting hole, making me a bit queasy by the depth of it. Being buried 6 feet under looks scary. We left him in peace after that, sending him our best in his new home.

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