56 | i don't wanna do this anymore

Start from the beginning

"Elijah," I say his name with venom and Sam looks up at me.

"You know this guy?"

"Let's go Sam." I tell him and as I look at the two guys chatting in the corner, I finally remember that new guy Cameron; I've seen him before in the club Nox and I went to when she wanted to treat me. He was talking to her for a while and even though I can't recollect a lot of things from that night, I remember Nox avoiding talking about this guy.

I didn't know Elijah was attending PSU.

And since this guy is good friends with him, I should better avoid getting into trouble.

For Nox' sake.

Later in the day, Sam gathers up everyone in his house for a guys' night since it has been a few weeks since we've all hung out altogether. During guys night, we usually play videogames on Sam's smart TV or do stupid shit like get drunk out of our minds while Sam and Taehyung smoke weed in the corner; Dylan and I film them in order to mock them the next day and then once they're completely shitfaced, we fuck with them further by adding chili into their drinks, or by having them wake up buried in a pile of mud in the backyard. I remember there was a time when Taehyung and I planned on pranking the lightweight of the group, Dylan by giving him a nonalcoholic drink without him knowing just to see how he'd react, only for the placebo effect to work its magic into Dylan's ignorant mind. Another time, we burnt the edges of Sam' straw and Taehyung and I watched him struggle as he was trying his hardest to sip his drink.

"Is this nonalcoholic beer?" Dylan asks as he picks up a bottle of beer from the fridge.

"No, it's regular beer bud." I assure him.

He pops open the bottle and takes a sip. "If you sorry bastards try to make a fool out of me like you did last time, I'll make you crawl back into your mother's womb."

The only difference about tonight's gathering is the fact that Nox is attending as well. I texted Cassie to join us if she has time and she responded saying that she's on her way. The guys and I are hanging by the television, Taehyung, Dylan and Nox are seated in one corner talking about their day and multitasking by playing Mario Kart, while Sam and I are on the opposite side. However, I don't contribute much to the conversation since each time I move a muscle, Taehyung flashes me a murderous glare, so I mind my own business and stay out of his hair.

I'm not in the mood to argue with him tonight.

Nox on the other hand sucks at Mario Kart and Taehyung laughs at her each time she crashes onto an obstacle. Her eyes are glued to the screen in concentration. She's playing as baby Peach in the game and she's currently in sixth place. I observe her part of the screen as she speeds through Waluigi's Stadium in a pink stroller vehicle and once she makes it past Dylan, her lips tilt up into a giddy grin.

Her knuckles are as white as the Wii console, and I silently chuckle at the pouty face she makes during the match. She's trying her hardest to keep her cool and as soon as Dylan throws her a red shell in the game, her eyes widen like plates.

"Oh my god, I swear Dylan if you throw a red shell at me again, I'll castrate you." Nox blasts and everyone erupts into laughter.

"Damn Nox, chill a bit will ya?" Sam muses.

"I'm sorry! This is the first time I made it past fifth place. You aren't stealing my moment away from me Luigi!"

"You're doing great sweetheart," Taehyung praises her and wraps an arm around her.

Meanwhile, Taehyung is still giving me the cold shoulder like he has been doing for several weeks now. In a way I can't blame him, I did make a move on Nox when he declared beforehand that he wanted her for himself. I was drunk and I wasn't thinking straight.

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