Barbara: Hmmm. *Louder snoring* your daughter. Take care of her.

I sighed and leaned over to kiss her forehead and when she smiled, I dropped Hermione onto her face.

Barbara: Ahh! Y/n! Why?

Y/n: Before six, she's your child. *I winked at Hermione* Wake up mommy and then we'll all go together.

I rolled over and pulled the covers over my head. Hermione began to cry and tug on her mother, preventing her from getting away.

Barbara: Hermione Ellieen Gordon, get off me, right now.

Hermione: Nuh uhh. Daddy said to wake you up.

I laughed to myself as I drifted off to sleep to the sound of them bickering.

When I heard my alarm ringing, I yawned and sat up still half asleep. The room seemed darker than I remembered plus it seemed a bit smaller. I felt someone moving next to me and I watched her sit up with a stretch.

She turned to me, deep green eyes half closed giving her a sultry look, bright red hair tossed and turned and her lips slightly swollen as she gently bit the corner of her lower lip.

???: Y/n?

At the sound of her voice, a lot deeper and older than I remembered, dripping with sexiness, I answered the question I didn't even know I had asked myself.

Y/n: Yes.

I blacked out for a second and we were now both lying down, my hands pressed down on both sides of her head, trapping her underneath me. Her head was turned to the side, a deep blush spreading over her light green skin as she panted heavily.

Green skin?

I almost pulled away when she looked up at me with eyes clouded with her desire and eagerness. I caressed her face, brushing away the stray locks of her hair aside as I leaned in to plant feather kisses on her cheeks, making my way to her neck. She gasped when I sucked hard at a very sensitive spot, her fingers tangling with my hair.

???: Y/n..

I blacked out again when she moaned my name, her voice a trigger that seemed to awaken something deep inside me. I leaned in to claim her lips and-

Jason: Alright that's enough, both of you. Show some respect for your roommates.

My eyes widened as a hand grabbed my collar threw me out the darkness into the brightly lit outdoors. I was flying through the air now, confusion the only thing I felt while the ground rushed up at me. Realization set in seconds before I saw the car under me.

Y/n: Oh.

I crashed into it, smashing through the roof and the windshield. I yawned and went back to sleep, refusing to wake up and face reality.

In my apartment, Ivy leaned against the window sill looking out at my body with worried eyes, her breathes coming in short bursts and her hands shook almost imperceptibly.

Ivy: Is he going to be okay? I know he's immortal and all but still...

Jason: He'll be fine. He just needs to cool off. *he shrugged and turned away but stopped when he noticed Ivy's expression* What happened?

Ivy: I don't know. I woke up to see him staring at me then he started kissing me and next thing I know you appeared. What's wrong with him?

Jason: Oh, that what it was. *He shook his head in disappointment* Let's see. An extremely hormonal teenager who has had a stressful week wakes up next to you.

Ivy: So? It's never happened before. I mean we kid around a lot but he never takes it seriously.

Jason: Hah. When he gets back up, ask him.

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