Chapter: 40 Alls well the Ends well

Start from the beginning

"Let's get this over with," he gave me one last hug and took his seat two benches away from my mother but enough to get a clear view of me,

The ruling started making the next one hour my most intense hours till now. The case would have ended in a few minutes if Nicole didn't use her lame tricks to turn the favor on her side. 

It was pretty pathetic to watch her discarding the truth when all the necessary evidence were there, I've provided everything to the court, and now seeing her disgusting self and how she was denying everything I accused her of,

The judge himself got frustrated seeing how uncooperative she was being, he had to warn her a few times to take things seriously and not waste the time of the court,

After what feels like an eternity, he finally acknowledges the entire case and gives his verdict in my favor charging Nicole with a five million fine, a public apology, and a year in jail if she fails to do the mentioned things.

The court even ruled, Mr. Gibbson the producer she was sleeping. 

A breath of relief escapes as I rest my head on the desk. I can't believe I won, it's finally over. I fought Nicole and freed myself from this misery. 

I notice a few tears on the desk and silently faced Ms. Valcour asking her to hide me. She gets up and wraps the paperwork while shadowing my back from everyone.

I quickly wipe the tears under the desk and raised my head clutching her blazer and mouthing thank you to her, she smiles and we together leave the courthouse,

I walked past the main entrance when I saw the crowd full of reporters waiting on the stairwell for me. I bit my lip and saw their impatience. 

Ms. Valcour was beside me and soon my mom, Lexi, and Kelly shows up by my side, "you good?" Lexi gently presses my hand, 

I nod and give her a smile, "get Kelly and my mom outta here" I look at her then the reporters. She knows there's going to be a massive commotion in a few minutes and them being here might be dangerous. 

I need to handle the reporters myself and to make sure I first need to get them out of here, Lexi understands the severity before leaving from the other side,

"Let's do it Veronica" Ms. Velcour pats my shoulder and steps forward with me, I take a step down, and like a signal, all the reporters notice my presence and came rushing towards me,

There's like a million mics in front of me, the camera following my face as they questioned the aftermath of the case,

I take a deep breath and opened my mouth to say something when I felt his hands around my waist, I shivered with the deja vu feeling I was getting. 

"I'm here" he smiles and pulls me closer to his side, the sudden massacre of the cameras was astonishing. The flashes started blinking hysterically when Leonard struck a pose with me verifying their theory that we are indeed a couple.

The questioned got blurred when all the reporters fight which one to ask first, I hear someone say court, the other yelled about us being a couple, and followed by more confusing questions that shook me.

Leonard instantly flashes his hands in front of them and like a command, they all stood silent,
"I know there are a lot of questions you want to ask her and you will get your answers but not today, she's tired and I really don't want her to go through your trial when she just came from one. There's going to be a conference in two days as you all know" he paused and looked at me, "Your unheard questions will be answered there"

I grip his hand and smiled at the reporters "I'll answer all of your questions at the conference"

They didn't look satisfied so Leonard did one thing to get them out of our ass. He kissed me publicly in front of them and with the sound of a few flashes burning against the cameras they clicked our picture. 

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