Chapter: 40 Alls well the Ends well

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Veronica's POV

Today ends everything. I have waited for this day for so long and now that it's here I'm getting all scared and nervous. I don't know what the ruling will be but I'm confident in my case.

Right now I was sitting on the plaintiff's seat with my lawyer on the right side of the room. There are some paperwork on our table and soon the crowd started to appear, 

I asked Leonard to arrange two reporters to witness the case ruling and as easy they were to spot they all looked like someone who's been seriously haggard. I hope Leonard didn't put too much pressure on them cause from the looks of it they look a bit terrified. 

I look around the room and spot my mom, Lexi, and Kelly sitting on the seat behind mine with a concerned expression. They look worried and seriously seeing their faces is making me more nervous, 

There are ten minutes on the clock till the judge appears and I'm freaking out. What if the case doesn't work in my favor, what if she bribed someone to replace the evidence, what if the judge cancels cause of a serious heart issue. I don't know, I'm seriously blank right now, and as much as I want an anti-anxiety pill,

My lost habit of tapping my left foot rushes back inside. I'm involuntarily hitting the floor with my heels as adrenaline catches me, I'm playing with my fingers to ease the tension building inside me but it's all coming useless. 

So much for winning a case, I have to relive my old anxiety habits now. God I need to do something or I'll start chewing my nails followed by loss of breath and by the time we realize the situation, I'll have a panic attack.

It seriously comes down to a panic attack, I need some air. I softly ask my lawyer Ms. Velcour and take a quick break outside the room, 

I walk back and forth, massaging my chest while repeating my mantra. Just when I was calming down I saw Nicole entering the court, and there are times when I forget how unlucky I am but instances like this are very loyal in reminding me.

I try to jerk away from her scene but too late she already spots me and now with a crackling sound of someone walking on glass, she heels her way to me and smirks "thanks for calling me here, I was to hoping to catch up with you but this place was last on my list" she spits venomously,

I put my hands inside my blazer pocket and smile at her, "sometimes a change of scenery is necessary, especially when you are about to get screwed",

Holy cow I said that out loud in her face, good job Veronica, way to show an opponent you are not scared even though you were just having a panic attack couple of seconds ago,

She grits her teeth and tighten her grip around her black documented file, "we'll see who's getting screwed" 

"Yeah I've already seen that and to be honest you could have done better than just flashing your ass up a seventy-year-old," I paused and picked up my phone that was vibrating against my thighs, 

I unlocked the screen and saw two missed calls from Leonard, "by the way your wine looked really cheap in the video like your dress right now" I step away from her and walked back inside the room.

I noticed Leonard by the door and walk up to him, "where were you?" he asks taking my hand in his, 

"Trash talking" I silenced my phone and slip it back inside my pocket only to find him having one of his famous looks where he tries to understand a situation. 

"Nicole, I met her" I pressed his hands and his face gets all concerned, "not that it's something to brag but I gave one hell of a trash talk to her" I assured his concerned look and walk inside the room, 

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