35. Deserving

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Those days were beautiful, Jake wishes to go back in time and never come back here

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Those days were beautiful, Jake wishes to go back in time and never come back here.

Not being able to sleep since it was only 8, he gets up and clicks open the window for fresh air.

The night fell and the streets buzzed with noise of vehicles.

He eyes certain two people right aside of his front yard. Bella and Jay were bidding goodbyes. He saw her going back inside the house, so they were hanging together again.

It made his blood boil, seeing her dropped of by none other than Jay.

He saw Jay staring at her house when she was already inside. And Jake knew at that moment, Jay likes Bella and maybe it was genuine. But how much he wished that he was wrong about it.

Jake was so occupied with his thoughts and jealousy that he does not notice Jay glancing his direction. They didn't forget to share a glare. Rather than going on his way home, Jay went inside Bella's house.

Furious Jake groaned, why the hell Jay went inside now? He immediately closed the curtains and plopped on his bed, screaming with a pillow stuffed on his face.

That was embarrassing. More than dancing with him.

Jake rolls his eyes at the thought of imaging them together at the moment.

Did he mention that his hate for Jay increased a bit more? Well, it did.


Jake was suspicious of Jay when he tried to approach Sunghoon.
Jake was sure that he had some hidden motive behind everything he did.

He wished he was wrong because Sunghoon used to talk about Jay being a nice friend.

However, he continued to warn Sunghoon about Jay. Jake knew that Jay wasn't exactly a fan of him and they used to have fights sometimes, mostly related to soccer and academics.

They were competitive rivals since as far as he remembered.

On the top of that, Jay had the connections with bad boys of the town, heck he was part of it. And that left a bad impression on Jake, so he stayed away from him as much as possible.

Except school or soccer related things, the two never talked to each other.

Jake feared that Jay coming closer to Sunghoon had something to do with him, and that too after he triggered the bullies in that 'basement incident'.

Ever since then, Jake's life had been harsh on him, the bullies never let Jake live in peace, always called him out, mocked him, basically took out the vengeance.

The worse part was Jake couldn't even speak about it with Sunghoon, since he was already dealing with it himself, and he didn't tell Bella about it because he was afraid, she might get involved in it.

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