22. Choices

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Jay had always been that type of guy who wanted to be on top of everything but also wanted to avoid the troubles that came with it

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Jay had always been that type of guy who wanted to be on top of everything but also wanted to avoid the troubles that came with it.

He was a completely different person before he met Sunghoon.

He lived in the shadows of powerful people to save himself from the trouble. He knew that if he shook hands with the devil, he would not have to be afraid of the dark.

What he did not know was the deed done in the darkness would keep him awake at night, make him guilty for being helpless and hopeless.

He never washed his hands in the blood, but that didn't mean he didn't have any stains on his clothes.

Jay used to be in a gang, the gang who bullies weak and vulnerable kids. But he just stood there, and did nothing. Because he lacked the courage to face them- and didn't have the audacity to actually bring trouble to someone.

Though, he took parts in the fights, assisted the devil to fight for power with another devil. But he never got involved with the weak ones.

He had been one before, been bullied while he was just a little kid and that taught him a lesson that if he stays among the weaklings, he could never sprout wings. But he didn't realise that he never had wings in the first place.

We remember the wings of fairies and angels and consider them as beautiful- why? Because they are pure and kind. Whereas the wings of Satan are dreadful. But both of them do the job of flying, lifting one up in its own way.

Jay had none, he was neither good or bad, just in there, somewhere in between, trying to think of a path which would lead him out. Just as they say, he was barely trying to survive.

Survival of the fittest!

The only focus of his life at that time was getting good marks, being on the top of the list and to make his parents proud.

And the only one who wouldn't let him achieve that goal was Jake. The one name his parents and teachers always reminded him of, and compared it to him. That name being the sole reason to make him reflect his own self.

Jay envied Jake for always being the top of class, he envied him for also being good with soccer and always defeating his team.

Jake had everything according to him, friends, grades, sports skills, girls who would swoon over him. The last part didn't really matter at that time though.

In conclusion, he envied Jake for being a good person and having all of the favour by his side.

While he himself couldn't even get one thing right.

All of this changed one day. The day Jake saved Sunghoon from the bullies. That day three lives changed all of sudden. With both good and bad effects.

That day was clear as day in Jay's mind, he watched Sunghoon helplessly yelling in Korean. He felt bad for assisting people who wanted to selfishly keep all the coins to themselves.

To steal the brand-new skates of a helpless boy. And the worst part was he understood what he said in Korean and still didn't do anything. He saw them mocking him by names but he still stood quiet.

But when Jake came inside and saw what was happening, he helped Sunghoon, he was brave, not a coward like him.

That made Jay realise a lot of things about him.

Jake risked his future, his reputation by helping and voicing out for someone who was bullied.

That clearly marked the difference between the two.

While he just glued on the same place with his sealed mouth. Unable to find his voice, unable to hear his conscience.

Jay was the first one who saw them running away, Sunghoon had locked eyes with him, but Jay did not tell his gang members. He let them run away, and it somewhere felt good.

He indirectly helped them and Sunghoon saw that.

But when another boy saw them running, he couldn't do anything at that point. He knew that they were far gone and these jerks wouldn't be able to catch them. That was a big relief.

That was the first time he thought that he could finally take a risk and pick a side. And maybe grow his wings which won't be stained by blood anymore.


Just a glimpse of Jay's story, you'll learn more about the others in further chapters ;)

Bulling is a very sensitive topic and I do not mean to showcase it. I just wanted to show a side of someone, which could be a bit different. Because there is a story for every character's personality which molds him that way.

As they say every villain has a story. The most respected villains for me are Cruella and Maleficent. They might just be some disney movies for someone's pass time. But deep down there are so many things embedded, like the values, the character's choices, actions and the cause which lead to it.

I like to know the reason behind a character's personality, and I try to somehow use in my books, as a reference to give birth to a character. Because no one is perfect according to me. There is a bad side in everyone. It's all up to us.

Vote and comment your thoughts on it, I would love to know your opinions.

Like I mentioned before, I love you <33

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