19. Allegations

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Bella couldn't believe her ears, but she doesn't let the shock spread on her face

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Bella couldn't believe her ears, but she doesn't let the shock spread on her face.

She stands still and listens to Mia, "He said that he pities you, he told me he is just using you to make some good money."

The world spins around Bella as she tries to grasp the words, no that can't be true, Jake would never say that to her. Never.

She remains unaffected at least from the outside, raising an eyebrow at Mia she alleges, "and why should I believe you?"

Mia pokes her tongue in her inner cheek and scoffs at her.

She purses her shinny lips and elucidates it to Bella, "Don't you agree? he flirts with every random girl other than you, why? because he is not interested in you. Do you really think Jake wants to be friends with you? He just wants to use you for his benefits make some money and then get rid of you... I mean look at your face do you really think he would want to be anywhere near you?" she pokes her glossy nail into Bella's chest wall and corners her to the side wall.

While she continues to warn her, "If you even have a little bit of self-respect left, I suggest you to stay away from him. Besides, he is my boyfriend now and I don't want him to talk to some dork like you... maybe he is being nice to you to wave you a final goodbye."

After she finishes, Bella gives a mirthless laugh. She is amused at Mia, how much hatred Mia had for her. It all came down to this... insecurity.

Bella disliked Mia, always did, but she never hated her. And now, Bella pitied her, more than anything.

Popular, rich and beautiful girl were just adjectives, a façade from outside, inside was this heavy turmoil of loneliness, fear of loosing someone.

Not having some 'real' people in her life who would genuinely care for her, without having to say it out loud, without having to bind them by her side.

And then Bella realises that she was rich- richer than Mia in that category.

But being lonely didn't give Mia right to insult or berate someone however she wants, and Bella was just going to teach her learn that lesson- the someone who you wished ill for has feelings too, and they can get hurt just as much.

Everyone has a good and bad side, but what makes a good person and bad person different is which side they show to others. And not just show, but also actually feel.

Being bad once is understandable, but when you have a habit of doing that, it gets addicting and makes you a bad person, someone people dislike and might as well hate.

After all it's up to the person to decide which route to take. Good or bad.

Mia searches for a certain expression on Bella's face she was dying to see, the emotion of insecurity, pain. But Bella just laughs on her face and that startles Mia.

Letting out a good laugh Bella asserts some sense into her, "I had known him all my life, and not even webs of your lies can break our trust of all these years. And you know what? break those glasses I didn't like them anyways. The last time I checked he ignored you, and I am his best friend, I know him better than you, better than anyone."

A fuming rage undertakes Mia and she breaks the glasses in two.


Eva had long given up on the hope that anyone would open the door. She worries about Bella who is stuck inside and searches someone to help her to get Bella out.

She heard the last part of Mia telling Bella that it was Jake who insulted Bella and not her. Eva goes back in the class to hunt Jake because he was the only one who could save Bella.

Eva finds Jake laughing with his friends about something and she confronts him.

Jay was passing by and waiting for Bella sees Eva running towards Jake and decides to follow them.



I am not sure if it's interesting anymore- but thanks for reading!

Vote and comment if you liked it ;)

I may or may not update another chapter today >.<

Love yaaa <333

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