28. Rumors

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Bella tilts her head quizzically and knits her brows, she didn’t quite understand what he meant

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Bella tilts her head quizzically and knits her brows, she didn’t quite understand what he meant.

Jay stammers as he recorrects what he just said, “I mean, Jake already thinks that you know we are ‘dating’, so are we going to continue to pretend?”

Bella bits her lips as she thinks about it, there was no way she could pretend like that, she had to make it clear.

And it wasn’t because that would clarify things with Jake and he would make it up with her.

She just didn’t want to lie and pretend something she wasn’t, to top it all make things more complicated than they already were.

“I don’t think that’s going to work. I know Jay you were just defending me and also because you had a history with Jake. But neither you nor me should get things mixed up.” Bella answers as sensibly as she could.

She pauses and sees an expression on Jay’s face that she couldn’t comprehend.

Bella continues, “I really appreciate what you’ve done for me. I have realised that a lot of things were wishful and that I should finally accept reality and move on. I owe you for that, but pretending to be in love isn’t an appropriate solution to the problem. I don’t want to put that burden on you, and there are better solutions, so I am still searching for it.”

“I understand, and I am happy I could help you, but if you need me again, I’ll be there.” Jay reassures her, and a slow smile plays on his lips, which Bella returns him and they part ways.


“Bella!” Eva yells as she sees Bella entering the class the next day.

Everyone stares at Bella. Eva grabs her hand and utters, “Come with me!” Bella quickly drops her bag and follows Eva.

Confusion drawn on her face, what is going on?

They reach at the end of the hallway and Eva gives Bella a sadistic look, “I am sorry I couldn’t stay with you yesterday. I was late and you know my mom…”

“I know Eva, you had already done enough. Jay was there, you don’t have to apologize. But something tells me that you called me here for a different reason.” Bella imparts as she squints her eyes Eva and tries to look through her soul.

“I heard rumors; I know they aren’t true. But everybody’s talking about you now. They think you are trying to bothering Jake when he is already with Mia. And also, that you already have a boyfriend.” Eva reveals in a low voice, and passes a firm press on Bella’s hand.

This shook Bella, out of everything she didn’t think this would happen the next day, “But… this doesn’t make sense. I…” She couldn’t even speak; words get stick in her throat.

“Of course, it isn’t true. I believe you Bella. And those futile rumors are just for people who have nothing better going in their life.” Eva comforts Bella and tells her to not mind those rumours.

“But I don’t have a boyfriend, Eva!!” Bella exclaims, this had to be a dream.

Eva takes a sharp breath and discloses, “They think it is Jay.”

Bella’s jaw drops wide open, only Jake knew about it yesterday. Did Jake start the rumor? No, he can never do that, it had to be someone else. But why did they do that?

Nothing was going her way, not that it ever went her way. But she was now dragged into the rumors which meant she had to go through all those curious gazes and talks of her fellow classmates. Which she hated, way too much.

“Let’s go back now, the routine class is about to start!” Eva says as she puts a reassuring hand on Bella’s shoulder.

They go back to the classroom and learn that they had dance class. Bella was trying to think of a way to talk to Jake, but he was ignoring her, not even sparing a glance in her direction.

This class was specially for the upcoming fest where the ballroom routine was the start of the ceremony. And the seniors had to be the first ones to start it, elegantly without any exceptions.

For that purpose, they had to be trained a week prior.

Everyone looks excited, and some never let their eyes off Bella. The rumors weren't going to die down anytime soon.

Dancing was already pressurising and to make it worse people were staring at her and muttering wherever she went.

All of them reached the dance room and the coach, Mr. Wilson stood in the middle in all his glory. His students sat in a circle waiting for his orders.

He was very strict when it came to dancing, even if it was meant to be for fun. It was like another physical education class where they as you to warm up and run laps before getting into the game.

One mistake, and he would make fun of it till the end of one’s school time. Everyone had to be perfect and in sync. But despite that he knew how to make his students happy while dancing.

He was that funny-strict combination of a teacher, which is quite rare.

He was someone who would bring out social dancing out of everyone, anytime anywhere. And there he goes, “Get on your tippy toes!” no greeting no hellos, straight into the class.

The students groaned but follow his order nonetheless. There was another set of warm up routines and Bella couldn’t stop thinking about whatever the hell happened in her life.

Eva and Jay are at her sides and all she could think was about Jake, who was away standing with Mia and the popular kids.

She thought on how to confront Jake about all of this, her chain of thoughts is broken when someone among the crowd interrupts, “When will we actually get to dance with a girl? We are doing this since past week.” and the crowd goes yelling oos and ohhs.

Mr. Milson hated when someone would complain about his dance routines, he sassily replies, “Let’s get you paired up! We’ll see what you can do.”

And things just went messy after that.


Next chapter is going to be fun wink wonk ;)

Vote and comment if you want to know what happens next!!

Love ya <333

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