1. Chases

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❃.✮:▹ ◃:✮.❃

"Jake! Give that back to me, I haven't finished it yet." Bella shrieks at the top of her lungs to a brown-haired boy; who was holding a diary and reading the contents inside.

More precisely it was Bella's diary.

"Really? You haven't finished this," he pauses for a while with the most innocent look on his face and gestures Bella to get the diary back from him, to which she gleefully extends her hands forward.

He suddenly pulls away the diary back from her wrath, a mischievous smirk lingering on his handsome face, leaving a frustrated Bella behind.

"That's the reason I want to read it now," he teases her and starts reading it loudly, mocking Bella as he continues to read the most eye-catching part of the story and fakes gasps when he speaks,

"then she kissed him and they-"

but he is soon interrupted by Bella as she tries to snatch her diary away from him, sneaking a chance, Bella clasps the diary out of his hands and starts running.

Bella is a teen romance and fantasy writer, an anonymous web writer to be exact, only two people are aware about this fact, which includes her best friends Jake and Eva.

She wants to be a professional author someday and is studying hard in high school to get into a renowned university for majoring in literature.

She was now running to save herself from the embarrassment, slightly elated by the fact that her crush is now chasing her.

The clatters of her classmates chatting seems to fade away, the background view blurs when she glances back at him while running. Ethereal she felt.

Her contentment lasts for only for a few seconds when she bumps straight into the most popular girl in her school, Mia.

Bella enlarges he eyes in shock as she stumbles and falls.

Mia, a burnette with perfectly chiseled facial features barks in an annoying tone,

"Look where you are going, you nerd."

This is my first Jake fan fic.

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