15. Unexpected visitor

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Bella's gaze wanders to the glass door and she sees Jake entering through it

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Bella's gaze wanders to the glass door and she sees Jake entering through it.

A huge load of panic washes her from inside, but she keeps her straight face. He had no right on her, and she was able to make her own decisions of choosing whichever friend she likes.

She admits that him being here made her feel a bit relieved, but wasn't he on a date with Mia? Why is he here? Sudden question arises as she widens her eyes when he walks right in her direction with an unfamiliar face.

Jay detects abrupt changes on Bella's face and he follows her gaze only to get frowned at the sight.

"Hi Bella!" Jake chirps excitedly.

"Hi Jake, but what are you doing here? What about your date?" Bella straightaway asks him the questions loitering in her mind.

"Well... Mia left early and I also wanted to help you for the editing thought maybe you'd still be here." Jake lies while scratching the back on his neck gawkily.

That was something Bella didn't expect, Jake taking the initiative to work? This wasn't making any sense to her. She eyes him suspiciously and says, "That's a surprise for sure. I was about to do it now... Jay..."

Before she could mention anything about Jay. Jake remarks on his existence, "I didn't expect to see him here." He slightly arches his brow and gives a threatening stare in Jay's direction.

"I thought you saw me with Bella at couple's café." Jay comments impishly, while giving him a forced innocent smile.

Jake dramatically blinks and responds, "Were you? I saw Bella but I definitely didn't see you." He mentally scoffs, you don't have to remind me that. What are you, her boyfriend?

Bella sighs looking at the two, 'as if he even cares about where you go and what you do' her minds tell her.

To get out of this tension the only way was for one of them to get the heck away from each other. Bella glances at the clock and notices that it was 6pm, and that reminds her, "Jake isn't it time for your usual k-drama show? You never miss that."

"It's 6 already? Thanks for reminding me, how about we watch it together?" He offers and then takes a seat beside her.

"Wait, you watch k-dramas?" Jay inquisitively questions, not being able to believe his ears. "Yes. Do you have any problem with that?" Jake fires back and puts up a menacing look.

"No, just didn't assume you to-" Jay begins remaining unfazed.

Bella divulges in between, "Jake, I don't know if you remember but I have a deadline and only 3 days are left."

"So, let's watch this first and we will complete it later, come on we used to watch the dramas together." Jake whines and then pouts, for now his main aim was to grab Bella's attention and he knew for a fact that she would give in to his charms.

No matter how much tempting the offer looks, she had an actual job to finish and Jay was here with them. She can't leave him out of the discussion because he was the first one to actually offer her help.

She couldn't believe Jake had the nerve to say this after he kept delaying his work for 1 whole week. And at this point she wanted to tell him that she isn't dependent on him anymore and can do it alone just fine.

"Jake if you want to watch it, you can do that alone here. A better option would be to go home and watch it there. I am here to complete a given task and I don't care if you're willing to help me or not. I am capable of doing it all by myself." Bella firmly asserts and gets awfully surprised at herself after she finishes it.

"I will help you out Bella." Jay interferes and then sneers at Jake.

Jake is taken aback; he totally didn't expect Bella to lash out at him like that. This side of Bella was rare and he thought that it was because of Jay. And he would be lying if he says that it did not hurt him, because it did.

She chose Jay over him.

He thought that maybe she wants to spend time with Jay and didn't want him around third wheeling them. If that's what she wants and likes let it be that way.

"Okay fine, I will go home and I don't think you want me to help you with this anymore, since found someone else." Jake states after getting up from his seat and throwing one last look at Jay.

He stops right in his tracks and says, "But if you need my help, call me anytime. I'll leave you up to it... Bye!" He puts his hands in jeans pocket and leaves.

Bella regrets her decisions after she sees him leaving that, was he hurt? Had she been harsh on him? Should she stop him?

"You did the right thing!"

"What?" Bella looks away from Jake, deep in thoughts and then glances at Jay. "I said you did the right thing." Jay repeats.

"Was I mean to him?" she asked Jay and he shook his head, "That boy deserves it, served him right, now stop worrying about him and let's get this done." Jay expresses and they get back to the work.

This was the only way, the only to forget about him.

Jake takes a look back and sees them busy with their work. He thought for a brief second that she would stop him; guess she really didn't care about him anymore.


I was thinking of making a ship name for Bella× Jake and all I could think is was 'Bake' and I bursted chuckling. Also, 'Jalla' but that just sounds weird.

I need to stop embarrassing my characters >.<

Drop down if you have any suggestions!

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