Chapter 15

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The investigator visited in the hospital.
"Miss Manoban? I'm Sergeant Wang, the investigator of your wife's case. How is she?" The police officer inquired. "We still don't have any updates," Lisa said while shaking her head.

"Did you already find out who did this?" Lisa asked. "Not yet, but we're tracing their vehicles carnapped by the suspects. For now, that's the only lead we have because your wife and Mr. Kim were the only witnesses of the crime," the officer answered.

"Miss Manoban, do you know the relationship between your wife and Mr. Kim?" The officer interrogated. "They're working on the same project," Lisa said forwardly.

"Are you sure of that?" The officer validated. "Yeah. Jisoo would know," Lisa pointed out.

"Why are you asking?" Lisa was puzzled. "Base on our initial investigation, there's something going on between your wife and Mr. Kim," the officer stated. "What?!!" Lisa and her mom both said as they were shocked.

Lisa scoffed. "That's impossible. Right Jisoo?" Lisa stated. "Kai is just our client. I would know if he had relationship with my cousin," Jisoo defended.

"Why did you say so? What's your basis?" Lisa asked the officer. "Both of them had an overnight bag," the officer answered. "That's it? My wife was on a business trip. How can you make assumptions if that's just your basis?" Lisa irritatedly said.

"Mr. Kim was half-naked and was only covered with a towel when the police saw him and your wife there," the officer explained.

"He was on a weekend trip. Maybe he just came out from the bathroom when my cousin arrived to take pictures of the house. Actually, I was on my way to meet up with them but I was late because of some work. But Rosé and I planned to check on a nearby hotel after the meeting," Jisoo lied.

"How about you Miss Manoban? Where were you when the crime happened?" The officer investigated. "Wait! Are you suspecting my daughter?!" Lisa's mom butted in.

"It's just part of the investigation ma'am," the officer replied. "I was at work. My mom was there also. Jisoo told us about what happened to Rosé," Lisa explained.

"Before this incident happened, do you already know Mr. Kim?" The officer asked Lisa. "No, I just know Mr. Kim now," Lisa answered.

"Lisa and Kai never met before. They don't know each other," Jisoo said.

"You know what, my wife is in surgery and I already answered your questions. Now if you're still suspecting me, do whatever you want to do. This is just not a good time. We need some privacy," Lisa said dismissively.

The police officer went to Kai's room.
"Mrs. Kim? I'm Sergeant Wang. I was the one who called you. How is your husband?" The officer asked Jennie. "He is still unconscious. What really happened? Why did they hurt him?" Jennie asked back.

"I can't believe that they are even suspecting you," Lisa's mom irritatedly said. "Mom, they are just doing their job. I was even at fault," Lisa regretted.

"Anybody who is in your shoes will also get mad because they're accusing you," her mom replied. "They are just being thorough," Lisa calmly said.

"Then you must be prepaid. Jisoo, we need Hae-in," her mom stated. "Mom, we don't need a lawyer. I'm innocent," Lisa argued. "I know that. But there's no harm doing everything we can," Lisa's mom insisted.

"It seems your husband resisted the suspects Mrs. Kim. Possibly he defended Rosé Manoban that's why he was shot. And after him, Mrs. Manoban was shot too," the police officer told Jennie. "So, it won't happen to Kai if he didn't try to save that woman?" Jennie asked stuttering.

"We still need to talk to your husband and Mrs. Manoban to confirm everything," the officer said. "My husband almost died because of her," Jennie said slightly angry.

"Mrs. Kim, do you know the relationship between your husband and Mrs. Manoban?" The officer asked.

"All we know is that they're working on the same project. But the guy is a liar," Jennie's mom frankly said.

"They just don't work on the same project. I've been suspecting that my husband is cheating on me with that Rosé Manoban," Jennie asserted.

"Miss Manoban?" The doctor called Lisa. "How is my wife?" Lisa asked anxiously. "She was shot in the head. We already removed the bullet but she needs further surgery. We can't do that here because we're unequipped. Doctor Bae and I have already talked and we agreed to airlift the patient to Seoul so that she can undergo the definitive surgery," the doctor explained.

"My wife, she'll be okay after surgery right?" Lisa asked worriedly. "I'm sorry, but I cannot guarantee," the doctor truthfully said.

Lisa and her family were gathered at the doctor's office.
"We have here the CT scan results of Rosé. The bullet hit the left part of her skull and it shattered part of that skull, driving fragments into her brain that caused damage, bleeding, so we had to remove a part of her skull cap to relieve the pressure," the doctor explained. "But doctor, will she be fine?" Lisa asked in distress.

"We did everything we could. The injury happened near the left cerebral cortex that controls our speech and movement. So there's a huge possibility that those functions may be affected," the doctor further explained.

"Meaning she can be paralyzed because of it?" Lisa's dad asked. "We can't say for sure until we assess her after she wakes up," the doctor answered.

"When will she wakes up?" Lisa's mom asked. "We can't tell exactly. It could be days, months," the doctor replied.

"Why is this happening to me?" Lisa sadly asked herself. "Your wife is still lucky. It was a small caliber bullet. If it was a bigger gun, she wouldn't be here," the doctor said.

Jennie was hugging Kai tightly when her mom called her. "Jennie, according to a nurse, Rosé will be transferred to Seoul. She's in serious condition. I think she will die," her mom told her.

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