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Hi, my name is Royce DeBarry and I am on my way to what the Secret Service says is the last of humanity's hope.

As I was being escorted by the Secret Service to this mysterious, heavily defended bunker as I would be part of an experimental project. Before the SS (Secret Service [not Nazi SS]) and I could reach the bunker, we were ambushed by a group of rogue soldiers and being fired upon. Luckily for me, I was protected by the armor while my Service-members were providing covering fire. The Service-members knowing my conditions, told me to "Remain calm" which seemed easier said than done, even the driver turned his back around and assured I WAS going to be fine.

A bit into the mobile gunfire, Royce begins to panic a little feeling armor-piercing rounds hit the rear of the armored-up car.

Driver: "Don't worry sir, we're almost there!! This baby will hold. Especially against those AP-rounds!"

Royce: "I hope you are right!! How long until we arrive?"

Driver: "Five minutes Sir!"

Royce: "You got any defensive weaponry in this thing to get rid of these teenage delinquents?!"

Driver: "Hello, hello?! Can anyone hear me, I have an important package en route to The Wall, if anyone is listening, open the door now." As a result the doors to The Door opened as the driver sped through and into the bunker meant to hold humanity's last hope. "Alright Sir, we are safe. The soldiers will take care of them troublemakers..."

Scientist: "Alright Mr.DeBarry, I assure you had a safe trip?" The Scientist asked of Royce whom only nodded before they headed towards a cryogenic-pod. "Now before I close this hatch, I want to assure to you that you voluntarily chose to do this, not against your will. When and if you wake up for some reason~"

Soldiers: "They're breaking in!! Hold them back prevent them from getting to the Package~"

Scientist: "I'm closing your Pod right now, if someone~ hold them off a little longer!! I'm almost finished putting this together!!"

Soldiers: "We got no more time. You're on your own." The Soldiers say as they begin cowering from mutated creatures, some of them even armed with guns.

Scientist: "Just... about... NOW!!"

And before Royce knew it, his cryogenic pod started to drop in temperature, eventually to the point to where he'd pass out and being preserved for future repopulation.

1,000 Years Later...

Meanwhile, in Egypt, Museum of Natural History...

Royce DeBarry in the Adventures of Sly 2: Band of ThievesWhere stories live. Discover now