Zelina: Sure, I'd like that.

We went on to eat breakfast and chat for a while. After we finished, I picked up the bill and we went our own ways.

*Later that weekend*

I was throwing a little get together and a few of Anna's friends came by, she invited Tay Conti and a few of the Dark Order guys over. I invited G, Thea, Seth, Becky, and Finn over. Everything was going fine until Anna and Tay went into the kitchen to talk.

*Liv POV*

Thea and I walked in the kitchen and the girls were talking about Travis. So we didn't go in we just stood by the door so they couldn't see us, we wanted to see what they were saying about him

Tay: Girl, what do you see in him?

Anna: He's going to be the key to my big break. He's one of the hottest things on the wrestling scene right now. If I stay with him that makes my stock go up.

Tay: How long do you plan on staying with him?

Anna: Until I get my big break.

Tay: Hopefully that's soon.

Anna: Trust me I can't wait to end things with him. I'm tired of his bratty kid.

Thea and I looked at each other shocked at what we're hearing.

Zelina: Oh hell no. This bitch as a lot of nerve.

Liv: What the hell is going on?

Zelina: Did she just say what I think she said.

Liv: I honestly don't know what to do.

Zelina: I do, I'm gonna beat this bitch's ass.

We decided to go into the kitchen and when we did Anna and Tay both got really quiet.

Liv: What's wrong?

Anna: What do you mean?

Liv: Y'all aren't talking anymore. We heard everything you just said.

Anna: And your point?

Zelina: Her point is I'm about to beat the shit out of you for using my boy.

Anna: Excuse me?

Zelina: You heard what I said. Did I stutter bitch?

Liv: Thea calm down.

Zelina: Naw, it's too late for that shit.

Luckily Travis walked into the room.

*End POV*

Travis: What the fuck is going on?

Zelina: I'm about to beat this bitch's ass.

Travis: Babe what's going on?

Anna: Nothing we were just in here minding our own business and your sister and this little gremlin came in here trying to start shit with me.

Zelina: I know this bitch didn't just call me a gremlin.

Thea tried to rush at Anna so I grabbed her. She's trying to get free but I won't let her free.

Zelina: Let me go Travis.

Travis: If I let you go you can't start shit.

Zelina: No promises.

Travis: Thea....

Zelina: Fine, I won't woop her ass right now. I'll just do it later.

Travis: Now can anyone please tell me what's going on?

Liv: Thea and I came in here for some food and we overheard Anna and Tay talking about you.

Tay: We didn't say anything bad.

Zelina: And 6' 2" bitch. Be a woman and tell him the truth before I do.

Anna: Babe I don't know what she's talking about.

Travis: I've known Thea for 20 years and she doesn't get this worked up for no reason. What happened?

Anna: I swear nothing happened.

Zelina: She's full of shit. They were talking about how Anna is just using you since you're blowing up and she hopes your buzz will help her out.

Travis: Is that true?

Anna: Travis I can explain.

Travis: Is she telling the truth?

Anna: Yes.

Travis: That's all I needed to know. We're done Anna.

Liv: Grab your shit and get out. There's the door.

Zelina: There's the door bitch.

The girls didn't say anything they just walked past us and then all their friends left with them. I told everyone that the party was over and they headed out. I went outside to sit down and get some air. While I was outside Thea came out to talk to me.

Zelina: I'm sorry that happened Travis.

Travis: Are you really Thea?

Zelina: Yes, you didn't deserve to be treated that way. She wasn't good for you.

Travis: Since when is my love life your responsibility?

Zelina: You're my best friend I'm always going to look out for you.

Travis: I can handle myself Thea.

Zelina: She was using you, Travis. Why are you making me out to be the bad guy right now? This isn't fair, I was just looking out for you.

Now we're getting into a yelling match

Travis: Because Thea, at least she treated me like I was somebody.

Zelina: But would she love you if you were nobody?

Travis: Nobody loved me when I was nobody.

Zelina: I Did.

I had no idea what to say. I got a blank stare on my face and it took me a moment to process what Thea just said to me. I stopped yelling at her.

Travis: What did you just say?

Zelina: I loved you Travis, and I still do. I loved you before the money, before all the fame. You were my first kiss, that was special to me. I've been in love with you ever since High School. But you're too busy with your head up your ass to realize it. Tonight, just proved to me that you're a self-centered asshole that only cares about himself. I tried to help you and you want to make me look like it's all my fault.

She started crying and I feel really bad right now.

Travis: Thea, I'm so sorry for making you feel that way.

Zelina: Save it Travis, I don't want to hear it.

Travis: Thea, I'm sorry.

Zelina: So am I Travis, I'm sorry that I was in love with an asshole like you. Have a nice life.

Thea walked off and bumped me with her shoulder and left, I didn't know how to react to what just happened so I just stood there. A few moments later Gionna came walking outside.

Liv: You want to talk?

Travis: No, I want to be left alone.

Liv: I'm going to head home. Before I go, I just want to say don't let her walk out of your life. I should have told you this years ago but you should have always been with her. I know you two were in love with each other but were too scared to say anything because you were afraid of losing each other. Make things right with her Travie, You two were made for each other. I don't care if you ever take any of my advice but I seriously want you to think about what I just said. If you don't go after her you're making the biggest mistake of your life and you'll regret it.

Travis: I'll talk to you later, I love you.

Liv: I love you too.

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