"I will stab you until you bleed to death if you don't quit it out." Debbie yelled as she towered over Carl with a toy that looked sharp.

" yo buddy come here." Lip dragged Carl away from the commotion and took him upstairs.

" you good debs?" Ivy asked her as she then dragged Debbie away and sat on the couch

" yeah I'm fine Ivy why?" Debbie slouched back into the couch.

"Eh I don't know you're just not really Debbie anymore I guess." She shrugged before seeing Ian walk through the door so she left Debbie.

" hey Ivy I was hoping to go for a run today you wanna join?" Ian offered

" yeah sure when?" She answered.

" right now would be good." She agreed and they left the house for an early morning run.

"You feeling better today ?" He asked her, hinting towards her mental breakdown yesterday.

"Could be better but yeah I'm ok why?" Ivy clarified not wanting Ian to worry about her.

"Just weren't yourself yesterday I was just checking." She punched his arm before continuing to run.


"Is it possible for a dude to be named Jody and not be a doochebag?" Lip said as he put his phone away, ready to rant to the pair.

It was the following day and ian lip and Ivy were out shopping for pointless rubbish , well mainly Ivy as she had 3 bags on her arms full of clothes and her 'essentials' as she called them.

"Ever thought about calling him choady." Lip chuckled at ivys reply as he examined the shoes that sat next to him on display

"You guys wanna come on the ice cream truck later?" Lip asked wanting the company which wasn't just Kev all the time.

"Cant , volunteering at the VA." Ian replied

"It a waste a time." Ivy chimed in, referring to Ian's comment. She was happy for him but was being selfish about the situation she didn't want him to go and leave her behind as she felt like nobody want want her around if she wasn't clinging to Ian's side.

"Gonna look good on my West Point application." Ivy scoffed at Ian's words.

"You know you should be figuring out how to work the system."

"Lip. Americas a meritocracy." Ian shrugged.

"They don't even make bootstraps." Ivy complained "so how the hell you supposed to pull yourself up by them dumbass?"

"Ooo Ivy called you a dumbass, you bought so much." He playfully punched Ian's chest before looking at the bags Ivy had flung over the shoulders.

"Yeah well money my mum sent me is coming in handy. I gotta visit her at some point you know." Ivy answered.

"What go back to England!" Ian interrupted

"Ian if you going to the army isn't a big deal then surely me popping back to England for Awhile shouldn't matter." Ivy grumbled.

"I guess but when you thinking?"

"I have no idea ian."

"Take me with you Ivy." Lip begged, everyone knew how eager lip was to get out of this place and actually do something with his life but with the reputation that Frank put on the family name it was always hard to actually do something with your life.

"Dream on Phillip ." Lip then left Ivy and ian as he went to meet karen once again.

"When's he gonna leave that cunt?" Ivy rubbed the sweat from her forehead

Ivy milkovich Where stories live. Discover now